About Pamela Christian
So, you want to know more about me? I want to know more about you! My deepest passion is to help others discover and live in the same life-giving truth I’ve been blessed to find. I’m grateful to spend full time in Kingdom work now that my kids are grown and married.
Everything I do is to learn how to apply truth to my life, then help others do likewise. I want us all to experience the abundant, victorious life Christ died to give us. It’s not just a slogan–it’s a reality we can walk in.
I’m greatly burdened by the reality that 75% of Americans claim to be Christian, however only 7-8%, according to research, are actually born-again Christians who seek to live their faith in all they do. It’s no wonder the world of unbelievers conclude the Christian faith and all it claims to be bogus–there are precious few of us genuine Christians demonstrating the reality of Christ. The rest of the 75% claim to be Christians but live according to the world without the power and authority otherwise available. I’m deeply concerned about this and am doing all I can to help remedy this sad reality.
One question I ask every where I go is: “Who in this room wants to live your life on the basis of a lie?” No one ever raises their hand to that question. Everyone wants to live their life on the basis of truth, which is highly revealing. Think about it: If no one raises their hand that means, universally we all consider truth better than lies. Or we could say we all believe truth is good and lies are bad. That single question reveals we universally all have an innate moral compass, enabling us to know right from wrong or good from bad. We all want to live our life on the basis of truth, yet it’s popular in our culture to claim truth is relative. It’s popular to claim all roads lead to the same heaven and God. However, just because a matter is popular doesn’t make it true.
Realizing a vast majority of our culture are deceived and think they live their life on the basis of truth, is what drives me. You want to live in truth. I want you to live in truth! When people are deceived they are unaware of their condition. This is what compels me to continue traveling to speak and writing books in my award-winning Faith to Live By series.
My favorite part of my work is traveling and speaking in person. I love to see the responses of people as they track with what I’m sharing or to see that they didn’t understand a point allowing me to reiterate. I never thought I’d write a single book, let alone now be on book 6 in the series! However, my books allow my work to reach many more people than I can personally reach travelling. I also use my Blog as a means to connect with you.
My desire is to impart everything I can so you can live your life based on truth and enjoy the abundant, victorious benefits of the genuine Christian life. If you’re looking for truth, if you long for a more significant purpose in life, if you want victory over life’s adversities, the authentic Christian life offers all that and more.
Spend as much time as you want here. Avail of all I offer, much is complimentary. And if any of my book titles appeal to you, they are available through my web store and all book retailers. If it’s not on the shelf of your favorite store, ask them to order it for you.
I truly want to know you. Follow me on social media where we can interact, subscribe to my complimentary bi-monthly eNewsletter, and engage with me on my Blog. Faith to Live By is the name of my book series, my television program, and my podcast and describes what I want for you, which is to possess a faith that helps you gain spiritual victory over life’s issues.
I sincerely hope to personally connect with you.
Current News:
2024 PAM’S PODCAST IS RECOGNIZED: Faith to Live By is recognized By Feedspot as among the top 15 Charismatic Christian Podcasts: https://blog.feedspot.com/charismatic_christian_podcasts/
CLAY CLARK INVITES PAM TO BE A SPEAKER AT THE JANUARY 2023 REAWAKEN AMERICAN TOUR STOP IN NASHVILLE! While interviewing Clay Clark on her podcast, Clay invited Pam to be a presenter at an upcoming tour stop. She didn’t know what to say in the moment, but she was honored and gratified to be part of this excellent tour. Hear her message before a crowd of nearly 5,000 in January 2023.
ANNOUNCING THE LAUNCH OF PAM’S ONLINE APOLOGETICS COURSE STARTING 2023! As Developer and Lead Professor Pam presents an online course to help Pastors and Christian Leaders incorporate apologetics in all aspects of ministry to help the every-day Christian have a confident faith they can easily share. Learn more at: https://pamelachristianministries.com/faith-to-live-by-training-center
NEW PODCAST, “FAITH TO LIVE BY” LAUNCHED JULY 2020! Pam expands her efforts to help people discover and live in life-giving truth with her weekly podcast. With this, she explores current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective. Helping people know truth in these evil days is more difficult than ever, but not impossible. Listen on most podcast platforms or from her home platform Charisma Podcast Network.
FIFTH BOOK IN THE “FAITH TO LIVE BY” SERIES RELEASED 4/15/2020! We’re delighted over the release of yet another book in Pam’s multi-award winning series. Prepare for the Harvest! God’s Challenge to the Church Today. Endorsed by Michael Brodeur, Phil Cooke, Steve Shultz, and others. It won Silver at AWSA Golden Scrolls Awards in the Best Christian Education category 2020; Bronze by Illumination Book Awards in the Enduring Light Chrsitian Thought category and; Finalist in the 2021 Book Excellence Awards interntional contest.
PAM’S BLOG AWARDED TOP IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF ALL BLOGS REVIEWED! “I cannot think of any better category I’d want to be known for!” Imagine Pam’s excitement when she opened her email one morning to find a message from Experitido.org that her blog was rated among the best in Christian Education. She had no idea it had been reviewed let along given such an honor. That’s two awards for her Faith Blog!
NOVEMBER 3, 2018, I WAS AWARDED AN HONORARY DOCTORATE OF DIVINITY from the Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network’s International Fellowship of Ministries Apostolic Center, and also elevated to Apostle to preach and teach the Gospel, pray for the sick and officiate the concordances found in the New Testament. What a tremendous honor. May I be found ever faithful.
I didn’t expect to write a fourth book in the series, but God had other plans! I never gave much thought to eschatology (the end times) knowing God is in charge and however it plays out will be perfect. However, August 1, 2018 the Lord began percolating ideas, and before I knew it I was writing a fourth book in the Faith to Live By series. It’s endorsed by Mike Bickle, International House of Prayer, Kansas City; Corey Miller PhD, President and CEO Ratio Christi Campus Apologetics Alliance and; Dr. Heidi Baker, Founder and CEO of Iris Global, among others. There’s much talk about the Great End-Time Harvest of souls, yet I see very little preparation. This book is written for individuals and church leadership so we are ready to welcome and disciple a great influx of people. Declared a Finalist with the 2019 Selah Awards. And recognized as the President’s Gold Medal Winner in the national Florida Authors and Publishers Association content, 2019.
REVIVE YOUR LIFE! REST FOR YOUR ANXIOUS HEART won the President’s Gold Medal in the 2018 Florida Authors and Publishers Association! This is quite a win, as my book competed against traditionally published books!
REVIVE YOUR LIFE! REST FOR YOYUR ANXIOUS HEART, hardcover copy available September 15, 2017!
Revive Your Life! Rest for Your Anxious Heart, created much buzz during the pre-launch season, and continues to with the rewards received. Winner of 2018 National Florida Authors and Publishers Association President’s Gold medal. This book is endorsed by Dr. Richard Land, Dr. James Goll, and Bill Johnson, as well as others.
Thank you for your votes!
We just learned that the first book in the Faith to Live By series, Examine Your Faith! Finding Truth in a World of Lies won the Small Christian Publishers Association 2017 Book of the Year in the Christian Education category. The competition was impressive so this is quite an honor.
Examine Your Faith! Finding Truth in a World of Lies, is the first in our Faith to Live By book series. Who has endorsed it? Josh McDowell, Dan Story and Dr. Craig Hazen – exciting! I’m using my Blog to provide excerpts about the content. I’d love to get your feedback and comments. And we’re delighted to report that this same book was awarded GOLD for Authors db.com 2013 Book Cover Contest
If you have not read my book, you can get a complimentary excerpt by visiting my web store and go to the Ebook and PDF department. Place only the complimentary excerpt in your cart, use promo code PDFPROMO and check out. You can download your copy from the email you’ll receive.
We were contacted early in 2017 and notified that my blog has been awarded a Top Fifty Status among all the faith blogs on the internet! This is exciting news to be sure. Feedspot is the organization that operates the awards. You can see the many other fine blogs by visiting their web site here.
The second book in the Faith to Live By series, Renew Your Hope! Remedy for Personal Breakthroughs, has won the 2015 National Indie Excellence Awards for its category! Endorseed by Dr. Charles H. Kraft, Bob Dutko and Dan Story along wiht others.
This is tremendous news. The National Indie Excellence Awards program is in it’s 10th year and is highly respected. The same book was one of three finalists out of hundreds of submissions represented by over 28 different publishers (many well established traditional publishers), with the Selah Awards! And if that’s not enough, it also was a finalize in the Advanced Writers, Speakers and Authors Golden Scroll Competition. Such an honor…
In celebration we’re offering a special discount. You can receive a 15% on your entire one-time order from our web store. Just enter WINNER in the promotion code box when you check out and share in our happiness!
In Case You Missed it:
Do you think you saw me on a Downy Fabric Softener television commercial? You did! It’s a fun story how it came to be, and we hope it leads to even more.
~Pamela Christian
When I’m not writing, speaking, studying, researching or networking for Kingdom ministry, I love to spend time with my family and friends, usually over a special feast of one sort or another. I love to cook and entertain as an expression of my love for friends and family. My passion for cooking and entertaining is satisfied by taking cooking classes, developing recipes, studying the art of party planning. I even operated a successful catering business for a while. But I soon discovered that the labor involved to cook and serve customers, didn’t have the same enjoyment as cooking and entertaining family and friends. So the catering phase of my life was closed. Creating memorable meals and ambiance to be enjoyed by those I love is a way I show my love. Most of the time they unknowingly are my guinea pigs, as I develop new recipes and try them out on my guests. And those that get the best raves are set aside to be published. That’s how my 101 Chicken Recipe book was created! View it here. My recipes are also published in my complimentary bi-monthly ENewsletter. Not a subscriber? Sign up using the side bar convenience on the right of this page.

Pam Catering 1993 – That’s a while back!
When I can’t actually travel to destinations I dream of, I travel through cuisine. This has inspired my Food, Wine and Travel business where I am in the process of creating elegant coffee-table books that highlight regional cuisines, local renowned chefs and desirable destinations.
Our newly added Christian Travel excursions will offer trips to destinations for other Christian Foodies like me! This is very exciting! Learn more here.
Take your time to look around and learn more. If there’s anything else you’d like to know, or if I can serve you through any of our products or services, simply fill out the Contact page. Someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Pamela Christian is prophetically called to be a strong asset to the Church, speaking and teaching, offering wisdom and insight from God’s Word. Since 1991 Pam has taught Bible, spoken at countless retreats and conferences, hosted traditional radio and created, written, and hosted internet television and podcasts. As of 2023 she is the Lead Professor for an online certificate course in Apologetics and has authored several award-winning books in her popular Faith to Live By book series. She is ordained by and has been awarded an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from the Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network International Fellowship of Ministries Apostolic Center, and is certified in apologetics with Biola. Pam’s ministry allows her to be an itinerant, International minister of God’s Word, wiling to speak and teach wherever invited. More at www.PamelaChristianMinistries.com Email: info@pamelachristianministries.com
Pamela is a board member of Advanced Writers and Speaker’s Association and a member of the International Fellowship of Women in Apologetics. Beyond ministry work, Pam also helps authors, speakers, and ministers expand their work through individual coaching, seminars, workshops, and media.
Pam interviews “Bible Answer Man” Hank Hanegraaff on KFAX
Pamela has presented as keynote speaker for both Christian and secular audiences across the states with doors opening for international ministry. She has addressed groups as small as 5 to as large as 1,000, ages 8 to 88, providing single messages, weekend retreats, conferences, seminars, workshops and more. She’s been keynote for both Christian and corporate events, bringing the right message for the particular audience.
It all began with her teaching a class for Community Bible Study in 1991. There she found her call and passion to help others know why they believe what they believe, so that they will have a confident faith conviction to serve them when needed the most. Her interest in apologetics led her to complete a certificate course with Biola University.
Soon, she was invited to speak for Christian women’s retreats and conferences across the states, which resulted in her establishing Pamela Christian Ministries. This opened doors for her to host a two-hour weekly radio talk show on KBRT in southern California. Her work there got her hired by KFAX in San Francisco where she hosted a daily two-hour evening drive-time talk show.
In 2012 Pam read an article by ABC News titled, “Americans are Surprisingly Flexible About Matters of Religious Faith.” Leaning how deceived people are both broke her heart and enraged her at the same time. Sitting down to write what she thought was an Op-Ed piece, as she was writing, the Lord whispered in her ear, “This will be a book.” Despite the fact she had always rejected the notion of ever writing books, God knew her vulnerability in the moment and without hesitation she responded, “Okay!” As of 2020 she’s written five independently published books in the Faith to Live By series, which has received multiple awards competing against traditionally published books.
In 2020, in response to the worldwide insanity evident with the advent and management of COVID-19, Pam started her weekly podcast where she is the researcher, writer, producer and host to the present time. The show is also called Faith to Live By where she explores current events from a biblical and prophetic worldview to help God’s people know how He wants us to respond in these challenging times. Response to this aspect of her ministry work has been most gratifying knowing people have been led to discover and live in life-giving truth and experience all the hope truth provides, even in the midst of some of the darkest days the world has known.
Additionally, Pam’s years of becoming a “reluctant expert” through serious bouts of under and unemployment for both her and husband, (which included the loss of their home to foreclosure), birthed a deep compassion to help others going through the same ordeal. As a result she developed a seminar, and workbook entitled, “What You Don’t Know About Under and Unemployment.”
Her miraculous experience surviving sudden cardiac arrest, was the feature story on a Focus on the Family radio broadcast. Pam was also the keynote for UCI’s First Annual Day of Women’s Health. This allowed her to start the “Bless Your Heart Foundation” to help save lives through awareness of cardiovascular disease.
Pam is an ordained itinerant International Apostolic Minister and was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from HSBN International Fellowship of Ministries Apostolic Center. She a member of International Society of Women in Apologetics, and a member of the Board for Advanced Writers, and Speaker’s Association. She and her husband David live in Yorba Linda, California, with their two grown children and families living nearby.
Read my Statement of Faith
Media, Speaking & Writing Credits
Read Testimonials about Pam’s presentations