April 2021
Prepare for the Harvest! God’s Challenge to the Church Today wins big! In 2020 this book received the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association national competition Golden Scroll silver medal in the Best Christian Education category. In 2021 this book was awarded bronze medal by Illumination Book Award’s (Jenkins Group) international competition in Enduring Light Christian Thought category, and was a finalist in the 2021 Book Excellence Awards international contest. The Faith to Live By book series has received ten awards to date.
April 21, 2020
Coronavirus Demands New Direction for the Church
Announcing new book: “Prepare for the Harvest! God’s Challenge to the Church Today”
YORBA LINDA, CA: The coronavirus, preventing the ability of people to gather in person for church services, is just one challenge for the Church today, according to award-winning author, Pamela Christian.
During the time of the world sheltering in place, churches report significant increase of “attendance” via online services. Radical increase of church attendance once we are released from our homes, is expected. But are the local churches ready? Are they prepared to welcome and mentor people from all walks of life, who come just as they are to the Church seeking the hope of Jesus?
Christian’s newest book Prepare for the Harvest! God’s Challenge to the Church Today (Protocol, Ltd. April 2015) is receiving exceptional reviews. One reviewer wrote,
“The release of Pamela Christian’s book could not be timelier. Even though it was written before the global pandemic, it is applicable for the challenges facing the church today. The chapters give the reader an analytical, yet emotional view of the church and culture, from the beginning of Christianity to today. The author does a beautiful job showing the significance of reaching the world today with the Gospel truth, while meeting the individual needs of those who are lost and hurting. Even though the topic is deep, the writing is fluid and easy to understand no matter what level of biblical knowledge the reader may have. Reading this book gave me hope for the future in that we can still reach our ever-changing culture with the message of Jesus Christ”
This fifth book is broken down in three sections: Evaluating the Culture, Evaluating the Church, and Harvesting Souls. The first two sections reveal the unvarnished truth about the deeply embedded deceptions the culture suffers and the failures and follies of the Church, in general. With the belief that a problem cannot be resolved until it is realized, Christian offers biblical wisdom, spiritual insights, and practical tools to help the Church become relevant and regain its position of cultural prominence through authentic Christianity.
Christian cites Barna Research Group’s studies revealing a very low percentage of Americans who profess to be Christian, actually experiencing and demonstrating the
spiritual authority available through faith in Christ. “It’s no wonder,” Christian says, “vast numbers of people reject the Christian faith when the testimonies of many so-called Christians are no different than people outside Christianity. God is not going to allow this to continue, especially with Jesus’ commandment for His followers to live their lives in righteousness and demonstration of His power.”
She writes about past revivals and the spiritual disobedience of God’s people evident before God intervenes. She explains God’s intervention is always preceded by a painful reality brought on by the people, causing them to cry out to God for help. Then He responds with help and spiritual course correction. “The coronavirus” states Christian, “is being used by God to cause His people to examine their faith in Christ and relationship with Him. When we, as His people, genuinely seek restoration, God is faithful in His response. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is His promise of faithfulness.”
This fifth book is endorsed by Michael Brodeur, Phil Cooke, and Steve Shultz, among others. Prior books in the series have been endorsed by Josh McDowell, Dr. Craig Hazen, Dr. Charles H. Kraft, Dr. Richard Land, Dr. James W. Goll, Dr. Heidi Baker, Dr. Corey Miller and Bill Johnson to name a few.
Christian is available for interview. Contact her through her web site or direct via email at
Christian is an author, speaker, and media personality, host of both radio and television. She holds a certificate in apologetics from Biola University, and an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from HSBN International Fellowship of Ministries Apostolic Center. She and her husband live in Yorba Linda, CA with their two grown children and families living nearby.
Finalists for the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian’s Writer’s Contest were announced March 1, 2019 and Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God’s End-Time Promises is among them!
Early August 2018 the Lord began percolating thoughts about the End Times in my mind. I never gave much thought to the End Times, but the “weak Church” mentality troubled me. Jesus is not returning for a cowardly, ineffective Bride. To my complete amazement, by the end of the month I had an entire book written on the subject. (The fastest I have ever written a book before was three months.) THIS is clearly the work of the Holy Spirit with an urgency for the book to be published October 15, 2018. If you’re interested in being an advance reviewer, please contact me to get a complimentary PDF copy.
Learn more, visit Author Page.
Pam’s third book in the FAITH TO LIVE BY series, wins gold!
We’re celebrating the fifth award for Pam’s three-book series (so far), Revive Your Life! Rest for Your Anxious Heart.It was awarded the President’s Choice Gold award in the 2018 Florida Authors and Publishers Association national contest. The books were judged by Librarians, Publishers, and Industry Professionals, with indie and traditionally published books competing together. To contact Pam to interview her about her book use this link. Contact Us
Pam to Host a New Television Show
The Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network welcomes another new broadcaster to its lineup of premier programs. Faith to Live By is the title of Pamela Christian’s journalistic style show (and the title of her award-winning book series) that brings solutions to difficult life-issues from the Christian perspective.
With the help of qualified Guests Christian explores real-world issues, common to most, with respect, compassion, and discretion. The show’s focus will include:
- Significant Social/Cultural Issues
- Interpersonal Relationship Issues
- Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Health
- Home and Financial Management
- The role of The Church in Society
- And more.
Christian’s new show will begin airing in January 2018. Programs will cover controversial and intimate topics such as: abortion recovery, depression and anxiety, teen transgender contagion, and suicide. Christian’s focus is to help individuals apply God’s truth to life’s difficult issues, and to help Church leadership better minister to people in need.
“From the beginning God’s intention for humanity was to take dominion over darkness, in His authority. Humanity failed in the Garden of Eden, and as evidenced by the immoral and corrupt conditions in our world today, we continue to fail. Jesus’ post resurrection mandate was for Believers to make disciples of all nations. Instead we have generations of people going to hell in a handbasket that’s been woven by the Church—this has got to stop!” Christian boldly declared.
Considering that 1 Peter 4:17 clearly states that judgment will begin with the Church, the world needs brave Believers like Christian. She’s already gotten the attention of several recognized Christian leaders for her ministry and award-winning book series, also titled Faith to Live By. Well respected leaders such as Bill Johnson, Dr. Richard Land, Dr. James Goll, Josh McDowell, Dr. Craig Hazen, Dan Story, Dr. Charles H. Kraft, and’s own Andrew Bills are but a few who have endorsed Pam’s work.
The general show format begins with a short video of an everyday person who is or has suffered an issue common to most. Then, returning to the live broadcast Christian and her Guest Expert, explore the topic to help audience members either avoid the same difficulty, or best get through the issue, as Christian states “to embrace the victory Christ died to give us.”
Christian shares,“My heart breaks for people. Deception is rampant in the world today. Barna Research Group and the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life report sad realities among those who profess to have faith in Jesus. Even worse are the growing numbers of people claim no faith, or believe that all roads lead to the same God and heaven. I want to help people everywhere discover and live in life-giving truth.”
As Christian writes in the first book in the series, “Unless we examine what we believe, we could easily be deceived without realizing it. Deception’s nature is that the victim is unaware. No one wants to live their life on the basis of a lie, yet vast numbers of people do.” Christian’s direct, yet compassionate approach is evident in all her ministry work. We can look forward to the Faith to Live By television show offering the same determination.
Christian is no stranger to media. She hosted live Christian talk-radio in two major markets, covering social and cultural issues, pop-culture, politics, and has worked as the Guest Host on The Holy Spirit Live, seen on
Christian’s ministry work began over twenty-five years ago as a Bible Teacher for Community Bible Study, an interdenominational, international ministry, which generated invitations to speak at retreats and conferences. She holds a certificate in apologetics from Biola, and is an ordained, itinerant minister of the Gospel. Christian is also a member of the Board for Advanced Writers and Speaker’s Association, member of the International Society for Women in Apologetics, and former leader for Christian Women in Media and faculty member with CLASSeminars, Inc.
Christian’s scheduled programs focus on controversial and intimate concerns, she believes the Church is not sufficiently addressing. Her style is not one of accusation, but one of compassion. People are encouraged to submit program topic ideas and testimonials that may be used on the show by vising Christian’s Facebook page @FaithToLiveByTV. Upcoming programs and resources for her viewers can be found on the show’s web site:
Faith To Live By television is a ministry of Pamela Christian Ministries, which began in 1997. The ministry was initially established to provide teaching and speaking at retreats and conference, which remains available. In 2003, the ministry expanded into various media. Additional services include travel, turnkey conferences, fundraising, and corporate events. She offers a complimentary bi-monthly Enewsletter to subscribers, and her blog has been recognized among the top fifty blog sites for the category. Learn more about Pamela Christian at:
Media, sponsor, and ministry inquiries contact Christian through the Contact Form on the web site.
Pam’s highly anticipated third book in the Faith to Live By series was published May 15, 2017 with the hardcover copy being released 9/17/2017.
To celebrate we’re holding a giveaway contest where you can win a hard-cover version, valued at $33.95. Enter to win at See the contest rules and drawing date later in September. And to entice you to enter, we suggest you read the interview with Pam Christian. If you or someone you know is dissatisfied with life, looking for significant meaning and purpose in life, or experience a sense that there must be more in life, read the interview and get excited about the answers available in Pam’s book. Click here to read the interview.
Pam’s first book in the Faith to Live By series Awarded Small Christian Publishers Association 2017 Book of the Year! 
Examine Your Faith! Finding Truth in a World of Lies, was awarded the Small Christian Publishers Association (SCPA) 2017 Book of the Year for the Christian Education category, as announced by SCPA on April 24, 2017.
Pam stated, “I am truly honored. This award means that the first two books in the Faith to Live By series have each won two awards,” a boon for any author. The book has not only been exceptionally helpful for people searching for truth, but many Christians have commented that they learned more about the faith they profess making them much more confident in their beliefs and ability to share their faith.
This first book in the series has received excellent reviews on Amazon, Barns & Noble, Goodreads and other platforms. Written to strengthen the faith of Christians and provide truth for seekers, the book offers a basic apologetic approach to understanding claims for the validity of Christianity. Pam first explores truth vs. relativism. Next, she explores the popular claim that all roads lead to the same God and heaven. To provide substance to her conclusions, she then devotes a chapter to each of the five major world religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Muslim and Christianity) and the New Age philosophy. Following these chapters, Pam uses extra-Biblical evidence to provide proof that Jesus was and is who He claimed to be–the Son of the one true God. Next, again using extra-Biblical evidence, she demonstrates how the Bible is unique in contrast to all other documents of religious authority.
Pam began writing Examine Your Faith! after reading an article by ABC News that enraged her. The article was entitled, “Pew Survey Finds Surprising Flexibility in American Religious Tolerance.” Pam explained that she expected to read that Americans welcome people of all religious faiths to live in America. Instead, what she learned was that Americ
ans are taking different tenets of various religious faiths and mixing and matching them to create a faith of their own preference. Realizing that these people are woefully deceived into believing that creating their own “designer faith” would produce any good in their lives, she was compelled to respond. She set out to write one book in response, but while writing the first book she realized there would be at least two more. Thus, the Faith to Live By series was born.
Recently, Pam was asked by the Holy Spirit School of Ministry to be one of the instructors for their accredited two-year curriculum
offering study on over thirty subjects. She plans on providing a course on introductory Christian apologetics, and comparative religions with Examine Your Faith! as the course book. The book is endorsed by Josh McDowell, Dr. Craig Hazen, Dan Story, and many others. At this time, more than one college has this book under consideration to use as a text book.
It’s Pam’s stated passion to help people discover and live in the same life-giving truth she’s been blessed to find. Pam offered “I simply could read an article and learn that people are woefully deceived and not do anything about it.”
If you haven’t read the book yet, visit our web store and use promo code WINNER to receive a 15% discount.
BONUS: Watch for the third book in the series to be released mid May 2017.
Interview of Pam Christian by Carol Graham, Host of Never, Ever Give Up Hope, proved to be a most informative and

Carol Graham: Award-winning Author “Battered Hope,” Talk Show Host, Motivational Keynote Speaker, Certified Health Coach, Symptomolgist
well received interview.
Carol wrote the following: “You will find that Pamela Christian’s books are very different from what you might expect. In the first book of the Faith to Live By series, she dissects the top five major world religions and New Age. This is to help readers learn the origin and beliefs for each religion to make an educated choice.”
Pam’s passionate about helping people discover and live in life-giving truth. Many people think they base their life on truth, when in reality they aren’t. That’s why Pam encourages people to examine what they believe and why they believe it on a regular basis. Just living in this corrupt world, without realizing it, we can adopt concepts, ideals, philosophies and worldviews that are not based in truth. Pam’s often stated, “Many people are deceived about truth and don’t know it, because it is after all, the nature of deception that the victim is unaware.” Could this be you? Listen to the broadcast to find out. To listen to the broadcast, use this link.
Pam Christian named Co-Host of Holy Spirit Live on HSBN.TV
December 2015 – After a full season of producing and co-hosting Windows on the World with veteran journalist Dan Wooding, Pam Christian will be serving as Co-Host of The Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network’s premier show, The Holy Spirit Live. Bishop Andrew Bills, is the co-founder of HSBN.TV, and the main host for this program. Bishop Bills stated,”When I saw the energy and ability that Pam brings to television, I knew right away I wanted to have her Co-Host for me.”
In response, Pam Christian explained, “I was just as excited about this opportunity as I was when Windows on the World was offered to me. Both programs bring significant information to our viewers, so I was delighted to learn that Dan Wooding would continue broadcasting with his new co-host, Mark Ellis. With Windows on the World, I basically reported news stories with some interaction with founder of Assist News Services, Dan Wooding. Now, I get to interview a vast array of people–men, women and sometimes children in Christian ministry who are making unique contributions and introduce them to the world. Having hosted Christian talk-radio, interviewing many in both the Christian ministry and political world, I’m especially pleased to Co-Host for Bishop Bills.”
The stated premise for HSBN.TV is to highlight Christian ministries that are otherwise unknown, giving them a platform to reach more with their unique message, which is exactly what The Holy Spirit Live does. As with all HSBN.TV’s Premier Programs, The Holy Spirit Live, is produced and taped regularly. New programs can be seen several times each week, while previous broadcasts can be seen with the on-demand feature at the network’s website.
Pam Christian named Host of new television program with Dan Wooding!
August 2015 – Beginning August 10, 2015, Windows on the World (HSBN.TV) will focus on the plight of persecuted Christians worldwide with the expertise of vetran journalist, Dan Wooding. Dan is an award-winning journalist and the founder of ASSIST News Services ( He has extensive stories about his own personal involvement working alongside people such as Brother Andrew of Open Doors, helping brothers and sisters who are suffering because of their faith in Jesus.
The Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network is an online network. The Network has only been in existence since March 2, 2015 and is already viewed in over eighty-five countries!
“I’ve professionally known Dan Wooding for several years,” states Pamela Christian, the Director of Business Development for HSBN.TV, who is also a speaker, author and broadcaster. “When I had the privilege of hosting The Holy Spirit Live, one of HSBN’s Premier Programs, I knew I wanted to feature Dan Wooding. His tremendous work for many decades to help the plight of persecuted Christians world-wide is something I wanted our audience to know about.” At the conclusion of taping that edition of The Holy Spirit Live, Christian was truly surprised at Dan’s suggestion. “Dan is a veteran broadcaster whose body of work I want to learn from. So when he suggested that we produce a program where I would host and he would be the resident guest expert, we jumped at the chance!” That’s how Windows on the World with Dan Wooding and Pam Christian came about.
Dan Wooding, 74, who was born in Nigeria of British missionary parents, began his journalistic career in 1968 in London, England, and has worked for two of Great Britain’s largest circulation newspaper, as well as being an interviewer for BBC Radio 1 in London. Dan is one of the world’s most-traveled journalists and has earned many awards for his work. He is also the author 45 books.
Wooding expresses, “I am honored to be able to do this new show with Pamela Christian and the Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network, and I hope that it will not only bless viewers as they find out what is happening to our brothers and sisters around the world, but also will encourage our viewers to pray for them.”