Christianity explored in a fresh and compelling way!
Exciting News!
Fourth book in the Faith to Live By series, Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God’s End-Time Promises, is a finalist in the 2019 Selah Awards with the Blue Ridge Mountains Writer’s Contest! Award ceremony scheduled for May 2019.
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Fourth book in the series released October 15, 2018
Endorsed by Mike Bickle, International House of Prayer of Kansas City, among others!
Back cover copy:
Do thoughts of the Last Days fill you with fear?
Are you in denial about the present worldwide unrest?
Are you looking for a place of peace and safety in these End Times?
The high level of hostility, extreme hatred, and unprecedented violence worldwide today is unlike any other time in history. ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas, North Korea, declarations to destroy Israel and America, grave division within the governments of many nations, the covert alliances of nations, and the contentiousness within the United Nations—all these are evidences of our reality. Many respond with fear, others with denial, still others seek to escape to safety.
• Are we living in the Last Days as prophesied in the Bible thousands of years ago?
• Who can escape the great and terrible Day of the Lord?
• Will the volatility we face with unpredictable world leaders and the escalating levels toward wars build up to World War III? Is this setting the stage for Armageddon described in the Bible?
The Bible speaks of a great End-Time harvest. The Church must be prepared to receive and disciple the many people who are awakening to the truth of Jesus. What does that look like and how can we prepare?
Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God’s End-Time Promises explores the answers to these questions and more. There is hope, there is safety, and there is escape. It’s not in cowering or hiding, but in knowing and embracing the truth, and joining the army of God whose victory is assured.
Pamela Christian’s timely book will help people understand what the Bible says about the end-times and how to respond and walk in peace as the second coming of Jesus draws closer. Her book provides insight in God’s faithfulness and inspiration to raise us up to walk closely with Jesus. Pamela has clearly identified the accelerating darkness in this day along with the scriptural promises to prepare us so we are not caught off guard. There are many practical principles in this book that will equip ministry leaders to strengthen others in the Body of Christ, and to prepare believers to boldly stand against the plans of the enemy. Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God’s End-Times Promises will help equip and allay fears for those who are anxious about the future.
Mike Bickle, International House of Prayer of Kansas City
Pamela Christian’s newest book, Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God’s End-Time Promises, is the fourth in her series called “Faith to Live By.” God has always had a plan for this earth and He has guided mankind with The Word and equipped us to uncover truth for the end-times. Digging into the Scriptures, and using theology with well-documented material, Pamela remarkably teaches us to use our faith to influence the lost. While we are living in these days, we can have total expectancy of God’s promises and not dread for what will transpire. Pamela’s book explains how we must come into this hour in history with Holy Spirit’s wisdom, with much prayer, and prepare the churches for the massive harvest of souls. Loving the unlovable,caring for the unfortunate, and showing value to the least valuable people in society will be the new norm for the church today. As we embrace “whosoever will,” then and only then can we honestly usher in the kingdom of God.
Dr. Heidi Baker, Founder and CEO of Iris Global
Pamela Christian gives a great understanding of God’s ultimate plan for reconciling His people unto Him, and a powerful insight into how the Holy Spirit works to bring in His harvest. With a logical, factual, and biblically- based approach, Pamela shows us the importance of operating according to God’s plan of victory for His Church in the last days, dispelling the popular and inerrant doctrine of a weak End Times Church. Pamela upholds the reliability of God’s Word, in all God’s prophecies, and how we can best “Prepare for the Harvest.”
Bob Dutko, Christian Apologist and Nationally Syndicated Talk-show Host
If you are one (like many of us) who is interested in End Times, Pamela Christian, in her book, Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God’s End-Times Promises, will help you gain a better understanding of what is going to happen at the time the world, as we know it, will come to an end. Not only will you get a great view of the different teachings of the End Times, allowing you to make your own choice’s, you will also gain a desire for learning more about the End Time harvest. I recommend this book to help prepare you for the End Times.
Tom Barkey, Ph.D. Church of Grace Lead Pastor
We live in a time that is like no other in history. Throughout the world, the people of God recognize a sense of acceleration and anticipation in our spirits as we daily draw closer to the second coming of Jesus. But many people are understandably confused—and even dismayed—about this very important subject. With a multitude of voices proclaiming manifold ideas and speculations about the harvest and the End Times, many sincere believers wish to understand where we are in God’s “timeline.” But Pamela Christian, rather than attempting to present another opinion, presses into Scripture and into church history to give us eyes to see the greater sweep of God’s purposes as we move forward, and how we can posture ourselves in faith and hope in this critical season. She helps us have discernment and understand the seasons, so that we will live in overcoming trust, awaiting the Lord’s return, full of oil like the five wise virgins in Jesus’ parable (Matthew 25:1-13). We can live for Him with confidence, because are an army of blood-bought, sold-out, warrior-lovers who rejoice in the faithfulness of our King! Read Pamela’s book to be challenged, encouraged, and prepared.
Jeffrey and Kathi Pelton,