Podcast and Television Shows
Exploring real-life issues seldom discussed from the pulpit.
Learn spiritual principles from prophetic words and the written Word of God, to understand current events and apply your faith to gain victory over the schemes of the enemy.
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Faith to Live By with Host,
Pamela Christian
Are you living your life on the basis of truth? Many people are not because they are deceived and unaware of their condition–that’s the nature of deception–the victim is unaware. I lived the first thirty years of my life thinking it was based on truth, but when a crisis came I was forced to realize I was deceived.
The worldwide crisis since 2020 has caused vast numbers of people to realize they have been deceived. With this podcast, you will discover truth and learn to experience all the hope truth provides.
I’ve been host of traditional radio, internet television and now podcasts. Here’s what Production Director Jay Gardner says about me from working with me when I hosted the daily, evening drive-time talk-show on KFAX:
I’ve worked with Pam Christian in radio very closely, and I have run into few people that have the ability to really speak to an audience with the conviction and heartfelt personality that Pam can deliver. It simply is a gift and I don’t think even Pam is aware of it . . . but no matter because in my time working with Pam, the audience knows it and that is what really matters. Pam Christian is an on-air talent that does not come along very often . . . when she is talking with an audience on a topic that is current and that she has a definitive opinion about, nobody can do better discussing in the way that Pam sees it. I can recommend Pam to any number of possible outlets, but I think that would only limit her potential because she can do any format in any medium that she puts her mind to.
Jay Gardner
Former Production Director
K-Earth 101, Los Angeles
KFAX, San Francisco
What others say . . .
Great Biblical Wisdom
I loved Pam’s testimony! Her calm voice and biblical wisdom is needed in a world full of screaming confusion. I am looking forward to hearing more of Pam’s episodes. Yes, truth is not subjective, and this message needs to be heard and understood! With God’s Holy Spirit dwelling within and working with His truth we can transform the church to become effective in a very defective world. Tell it Pam, and thank you for your wisdom!
khvhufx, 07/08/2020 – 5 Stars
Hope in turbulent times
This excellent podcast provides a biblical worldview of current events. It provides hope in these turbulent times.
SusanNealYoga, 08/31/2021 – 5 Stars
Podcast Show Schedule
Click here to link to all Show Notes and Resources
Podcast Program Line-up:
(Subject to change)
2020-2021 Year One Episodes 1-52:
Click here to link to all Show Notes and Resources
Are you certain your faith is based on truth? Show Notes
Grappling with fear? What does that say about your faith? Show Notes
What if the truth you believe is not accurate? What if you are deceived? Show Notes
What is the truth about our modern-day narrative? Show Notes
Are you confidently living your God-given purpose? Show Notes
Why isn’t the Church the leading influence in our day? Show Notes
What is your specific role in God’s strategy for today? Show Notes
Are you wielding the authority you have in Christ? Show Notes
The Fear of God is our only hope to restore righteousness. Show Notes
A proper Fear of God aligns us for victory over the enemy. Show Notes
Our words are our most powerful weapon in this decade. Show Notes
Revealing cultural deceptions and church doctrine that have deceived the Church. Show Notes
Intelligence Briefing for Christians to effectively engage in the present-day battle. Show Notes
Victory belongs to those wholly engaged in the battle. Obedience is the key. Show Notes
God’s prophetic word does not guarantee fulfillment. Partnering with God does. Show Notes
Actively partnering with God is essential to push back evil. If you want to avoid evil and enjoy God’s blessings, this program will help you identify specific steps you must take. Show Notes
Prophecy for the US and how unity ushers in God’s plans. United we advance, divided we retreat. Show Notes
Why study the Bible? Isn’t it irrelevant? Today’s program provides compelling evidence that the Bible will transform you and our culture. Show Notes
How can we know the Bible is true? Archeological evidence continually substantiates history recorded in the Bible. Confident faith is available for anyone with an open mind. Show Notes
Want to increase your faith to believe for the miraculous? Today’s program explores evidence for the miraculous with guest Timothy Mahoney of Thinking Man’s Films. Show Notes
Do you need a miracle now or might you some day? What you believe about the supernatural gifts will determine what you experience. Today’s program explores the spiritual gifts. Show Notes
How to discern genuine prophecy and maintain confident faith when the fulfillment is delayed. We receive what we believe. Learn how to contend in the faith to receive God’s best. Show Notes
Critical thinking and knowledge of God’s written (logos) Word are essential for accurately uttering God’s spoken (rhema) Word. Show Notes
The enemy seeks to prevent worship to overcome the Church. Understand the power of worship and why we must fight to protect it. Show Notes
Worship is the greatest weapon of spiritual warfare. We must deliberately engage in worship now to see God redeem the times. Show Notes
God’s promises to heal us in eery way is upon us now. If you want His anointing beginning 2021, this podcast will help you position yourself for His great outpouring. Show Notes
The enemy has sought to rob us from truth, hope and essential trust in 2020. By choosing to trust the Plan Maker you will see God’s miraculous intervention in 2021. Show Notes
If you want to see a better reality than we have today, Trust God During Transition. Show Notes
Has God’s miraculous intervention already begun? Learn how we must position ourselves to experience God’s rescue operations. Show Notes
We must apply what we learned in the light, to this present darkness, if we want to emerge triumphant. Learn how we can unite to overcome what appears as defeat. Show Notes
Dark days allow us to regenerate and emerge fully prepared in the light. Expect God to intervene and reveal our personal place in His plan. Show Notes
Is unbelief, a weak faith, or doublemindedness limiting God’s work in your life? Learn to adjust your mindset and take your rightful place in God’s plan to receive all God wants for you. Show Notes
Weary from our prolonged present-day battles? The Book of Esther offers a plan and strategy for us to experience God’s miraculous intervention. Show Notes
We will experience victory as we defend ourselves in Christ’s power and authority, in partnership with God. Victory is ours for the taking. Show Notes
Hopeful faith does not accomplish nearly as much as expectant faith. Learn how to engage in the spiritual battle to actually win. Show Notes
God is asking His people to take a stand and worship in these days to usher in God’s power and justice to be see in the coming days, weeks, and months. Show Notes
Overcome the oppressive deceptions of our day with truth, and learn and how to share truth with friends and family. Show Notes
How to command truth to overcome fear and experience the promised victories of God. Show Notes
Understanding how the world became what it is today and intentionally accepting our role in partnership with God to experience restoration by revival. Show Notes
Let this episode guide you to: 1) identify misinformation; 2) identify truth and; 3) act on the truth to usher in God’s power for His rescue, revival, and reformation. Show Notes
Embrace God’s revelation of truth in the midst of hardships to help us recognize and deal with deception in our midst. Show Notes
Discover ways to overcome doublemindedness that is preventing you from experiencing the victorious life Christ died to give us even in THESE perilous days. Show Notes
Learn how to combat fear and overcome the enemy with focus on the certain promises of God. Show Notes
Properly interpreting current events is key to remain in God’s care and protection. Show Notes
Discerning Prophecy from the Old Testament gives us insight of the days we’re living and what we can expect in the future. Show Notes
Learn how to position yourself to receive answers to your prayers and experience the faithfulness of God. Show Notes
In these days of Harvest and each will reap according to what they have sown. Repentance moves people from judgement to reward. Show Notes
God is exposing all that is not of Him, in the Church, in science, in government, in the world, revealing the hearts of men. Will your heart be found in rebellion? Will ignorance be your downfall? Learn more and choose to be intentionally engaged in what God is doing in these great and terrible days. Show Notes
Are you happy with the direction of our nation, the influence of the church, or the trend of our culture? Remember, if we are not part of the solution, we are part of the problem. Find out what you can do to bring change and hope to your life and your loved ones lives with today’s podcast. Show Notes
Gross evil and wickedness have attempted to control and oppress the Church worldwide. God is telling us to choose life or choose death. Learn what you must do to make certain you land on the side of life. Show Notes
God is re-establishing the Church to be the Ekklesia Christ originally called to reign and rule on earth. Learn what you can do in partnership with God, and see your life and the world changed for the better. Show Notes
What the enemy intended for evil, God is using for good. Listen and learn about your essential contribution in God’s plan to reveal the tremendous blessings and benefits of God’s glory for His people. Show Notes
2021-2022 Year Two Episodes 53-104:
53. How You Can be Healed from Fear and Trauma, Gain Confidence in the Good God is Bringing Out of the Chaos, and Embrace Your Hope and Future (7/7/2021) Listen to this Episode. 54. Prophets Agree, God has Established July as the Start of His Judgment. Are You Prepared? (7/14/2021) Listen to this Episode. 55. Learn how you can live in peace, and joy regardless what is going on around you. (7/21/2021) Listen to this Episode. 56. Failure of Christians to be involved in the righteous governance of men is a sin. (7/28/2021) Listen to this Episode. 57. God is Looking for Unrestrained Obedience (8/4/2021) Listen to this Episode. 58. Prophetic Warning to Be Informed and Prepared Now for the Next Few Months (8/11/2021) Listen to this Episode. 59. Without Truth There Is No Freedom (8/18/2021) Listen to this Episode. 60. God’s Strategic Efforts of Revealing Evil to Administer His Justice (8/25/2021) Listen to this Episode. COVID-19: A Foreshadow of the Mark of the Beast (9/1/2021) Listen to this Episode 62.The Enemy Within (9/8/2021) Listen to this Episode 63. Encouragement and Hope through Understanding Current Events (9/15/2021) Listen to this Episode. 64. Time to Get Engaged! (9/22/2021) Listen to this Episode. 65. Diversions Crafted To Conceal the Truth (9/29/2021) Listen to this Episode. 66. From Limiting Fear and Consternation, to Limitless Faith and Anticipation (10/6/2021) Listen to this Episode. 67. Ushering In God’s Intervention (10/13/2021) Listen to this Episode. 68, Hope Rising as People Take a Stand (10/20/2021) Listen to this Episode. 69. Contents of the “Vaccines” (10/27/2021) Listen to this Episode. 70. Biden’s Management of COVID Endangers Employers and Employees (11/3/2021) Listen to this Episode. 71. Out of the Shadows (11/10/2021) Listen to this Episode. 72. We are God’s Plan A (11/17/2021) Listen to this Episode. 73. How to Assure You Thrive in these Unprecedented Times (11/24/2021) Listen to this Episode. 74. Put Your Feet to Your Prayers (12/1/2021) Listen to this Episode. 75. Righteous Anger Produces Righteous Unity Where We Win! (12/8/2021) Listen to this Episode. 76. The War Cry of the Church has Sounded We’re on the Move! (12/15/2021) Listen to this Episode. 77. Repeat of The War Cry of the Church has Sounded We’re on the Move! (12/22/2021)The deceptions of the enemy are unraveling giving renewed strength for us to fight the good fight. Now is not the time to quit or give in. We’re on the verge of breakthrough. Find out what God wants you to do in this hour to accelerate His victory plan and experience personal advancement. (Show Notes) 78. Row Boat Vision (12/29/2021) Listen to this Episode. 79. Repeat of Row Boat Vision (1/5/2022) Listen to this Episode. 80. One World Under Government or God? (1/12/2022) Listen to this Episode. 81. United in Christ We Stand, Divided by the Enemy We Fall (1/19/2022) Listen to this Episode. 82. What Parents Need to Know About Critical Race Theory Taught in Public Schools and its Intended Destruction of Families and our Nation (1/26/2022) Listen to this Episode. 83. Critical Race Theory, Gender Fluidity, and Destruction of America–What Parents Need to Know About Public School Curriculums (2/2/2022) Listen to this Episode. 84. Hold the Line Against Military Corruption During COVID-19 (2/9/2022) Listen to this Episode. 85. God is Now Countering the Great Global Reset with His Greater Global St-Up (2/16/2022) Listen to this Episode. 86. God’s Great Awakening Ushers In His Great Reckoning (2/23/2022) Listen to this Episode. 87. Be Renewed and Fortified with Truth Enabling You to Continue Strong in Faith (3/2/2022) Listen to this Episode. 88. Order Out of Chaos (3/9/2022) Listen to this Episode. 89. What the Enemy Planned for Evil, God Will Use for Good (3/16/2022) Listen to this Episode. 90. Things are Not as They Seem (3/23/2022) Listen to this Episode. 91. Power in Truth – Victory in Unity (3/30/2022) Listen to this Episode. 92. Look to God from Where Your Help Comes (4/6/2022) Listen to this Episode. 93. Reestablishing Truth and Confidence in God (4/13/2022) Listen to this Episode. 94. Reestablishing Truth and Confidence in God – Part II (4/20/2022) Listen to this Episode. 95. God Will Do What He Says He Will Do (4/27/ 2022) Listen to this Episode. 96. God Will Do What He Says He Will Do – Part II (5/4/2022) Listen to this Episode. 97. God is Our Hope but We are His Army (5/11/2022) Listen to this Episode. 98. Sing! Dance! For God has Promised Our Rescue! (5/18/2022) Listen to this Episode. 99. Seize the Opportunity Before it’s Too Late (5/25/2022) Listen to this Episode. 100. We have Reached the Kairos Point in Time! (6/1/2022) Listen to this Episode. 101. Manipulated Monkeypox the Next Plandemic (6/8/2022) Listen to this Episode. 102. Manipulated Monkeypox the Next Plandemic – Part II (6/15/2022) Listen to this Episode. 103. Rescue, Release and Restoration is Ours for the Taking ( 6/22/2022) Listen to this Episode. 104. Biden’s International Health Emergency Plan to Sell America Out–But to Whom? (6/29/2022) Listen to this Episode.Guest, Alex Newman explains Biden’s ongoing effort to cede America’s sovereignty to the WHO, which is hugely influenced by China; while Russia and China both reject the One World Government Gates, Schwab and Harari want. What does all this potentially mean for America? (Show Notes) Click here to link to all Show Notes and Resources
God is violently restoring the Body of Christ to her rightful place of prominence and influence. Your healing is essential to your destiny and the impact of the Church. Now is the time of God’s rescue and restoration–don’t miss it! Show Notes
The prophesied Great White Harvest of Souls has begun! God’s intervention with blessings and judgment are upon us. Learn what you must do to receive God’s blessings, avoid His judgment, and help the tremendous numbers of people who will need guidance and direction. Show Notes
What we believe influences everything we do. If you are fearful, anxious, or plagued with a sense of dread, I assert your belief system is compromised. Reconsidering what we believe and why is essential to live in truth and the certain hope truth provides. Show Notes
Do you think Christians should refrain from being involved in politics/government? That perspective is a deception of the enemy that has put us on his path for destruction. God is calling His people to Arise! Shine! And fight for righteousness. Show Notes
Are you wholeheartedly and willingly obedient to the Lord? Are you engaged in impacting our culture for Christ? If not, you are limiting the blessings God desires to pour over you. Learn how to step into what God is asking of you in these perilous times and experience victory for yourself and your loved one. Show Notes
Many things are heating up worldwide as God visibly intercedes in answer to our prayers. Gain understanding to effectively pray for safety and victory in these days of unparalleled crises. Show Notes
Are you confused about what is true and what to believe? Are you conflicted about the management of COVID-19? Listen to the researched information to protect your health, your life, and that of your loved ones. Until we know the truth we’ll be in bondage to the lies. Show Notes
Unless you can see with your eyes of faith, you will mistake the enemy for a friend. Learn the truth about the Afghanistan debacle and get engaged with God’s process for victory. Show Notes
Everything we experience today is intended by God to prepare us for the future. What does your response to the COVID-19 pandemic reveal about your faith? Show Notes
Unless you can see with your eyes of faith, you will mistake the enemy for a friend. Learn the truth about the Afghanistan debacle and get engaged with God’s process for victory. Show Notes
If you are feeling overwhelmed and like there’s no hope, given all we’ve suffered and endured, this podcast will fortify you with truth and the hope truth provides. Show Notes
You have more control over your life than you realize. If you are not happy with the direction of our country, the tyranny of leadership and the impact on your family, you need to hear today’s program and decide what you will do. To do nothing is to aid the enemy. Show Notes
Confused and fearful about our future? This podcast will put everything in perspective and give you a renewed and confident hope. Show Notes
Throw off fear and dread–become emboldened with new understanding of truth and an increase measure of faith. Embrace all God has been doing to prepare you for His promised victory, realizing that today is our day of advancement. Show Notes
If you believe the world is in desperate condition, learn what you can and must do to partner with God and experience His intervention. Show Notes
How will you respond when your children and grandchildren ask what you did during the COVID-19 era? Learn what you need to know to be among those God is using to promote truth and bring justice. Show Notes
What seems too far “out there” to be true, is being confirmed with evidence upon evidence. Learn the wicked truth to be equipped to protect yourself, your family and our freedoms. Show Notes
Employers mandating “vaccines” and/or rejecting employee exemptions, are creating a far greater liability exposure for themselves. Brad Dacus, a Constitutional attorney explains. Show Notes
Hear well-researched and documented truths about the attacks against your health, wealth, rights and freedoms and learn what you can do to reclaim what rightfully belongs to you and those you love. Show Notes
God has provided many prophetic warnings for people to be in right relationship with Him before He intervenes in our present days. We are the instruments through whom He will work. Are you ready? Show Notes
Those taking a stand for truth and righteousness can expect to see God’s protection and provision. Will you be among them? Show Notes
In the midst of evil, each one of us has an opportunity to either promote good or promote evil. Discover where God is calling you into action in partnership with Him to fulfill Romans 8:28 in your life and the lives of those you love. Show Notes
Most are awakened to the fact that we are in a battle of good vs. evil. Taking the time to learn the facts, and what actions we can take, together we can cause evil to retreat. Abortion is one battle we must win if we want to see the blessings restored to our nation. Show Notes
The deceptions of the enemy are unraveling giving renewed strength for us to fight the good fight. Now is not the time to quit or give in. We’re on the verge of breakthrough. Find out what God wants you to do in this hour to accelerate His victory plan and experience personal advancement. (Show Notes)
We determine where we’re going by looking where we have been. If you need fresh direction and a new measure of hope for this upcoming year, this podcast is for you. Expect to experience fulfillment of many prophetic promises in 2022. Listen to learn more. (Show Notes)
We determine where we’re going by looking where we have been. If you need fresh direction and a new measure of hope for this upcoming year, this podcast is for you. Expect to experience fulfillment of many prophetic promises in 2022. Listen to learn more. (Show Notes)
We’ve been given a wake-up call and a call to action in this very hour where, with God, those who engage can regain control and celebrate victory. Are you in? (Show Notes)
Are you sure what you understand about world events today is true? Are you being led astray by what “authorities” in government, media and education claim? Listen to part two of my interview of Alex Newman to see if what you believe is true or if you have unwittingly succumbed to lies. (Show Notes)
Don’t let big-government bully you into submission especially concerning your children! Access the God-given authority and power you have for your children over any power that seeks to harm them. Learn what you can do from my guest, Jonathan Butcher with the Heritage Foundation with Part One of my interview. (Show Notes)
The future for your children and grandchildren has been manipulated by advancement of Marxism and ideals for a One World Government. Let me and my guest, Jonathan Butcher, equip and guide you to your personal course of action to assure public schools uphold and teach your values. (Show Notes)
God has set the world-stage for us to partner with Him and see the greatest displays of His power and authority planned for the very days we are living. Learn how to take part in the victory by following the examples of our brave men and women of the U.S. military. (Show Notes)
God has been exposing corruption in our government, media and education revealing the open declaration of war on our military personnel. Learn what we can do to help our extraordinary brave military men, women and their families who have always fought to protect our rights and freedoms, whose own are now being stripped from them. (Show Notes)
The greatest cataclysmic spiritual clash is upon us now. Prophets reveal a portal is expected to open February 22, 2022 through March 22, 2022 when the underworld believes they can set the hooks to impose a One World Order. God is calling His people to partner with Him to defeat the enemy once again, and then enjoy the greatest celebration the earth has ever known. (Show Notes)
Everyone worldwide has been traumatized by various losses and suffering caused by tyrannical mandates and evil schemes of the evil driven, self-appointed elite. Many are weary and feeling they are ready to give up. My guest, Jared Laskey and I bring truth for understanding and restoration so you can see God’s promise of reward for your faithfulness.(Show Notes)
To understand current crises we need to know history. Today’s podcast explores the efforts for a One World Order and the roles Russia and Ukraine and governments of the world are playing to that end. More importantly is knowing the promises from God for the protection and provision of His people, everywhere in the world, during these chaotic times. Listen to learn truth and be encouraged. (Show Notes)
Guest Alex Newman, helps us understand what’s really going on with the Ukraine Russia Crisis and the efforts for a One World order, as prophetic voices declare God’s plans to intervene on behalf of His people as in the days of Esther. Learn what you need to know and do to avoid the enemy’s plots against you. (Show Notes)
Confused about what to believe? Hear what International journalist Lara Logan my guest Alex Newman have to say about the media narrative especially about the Ukraine/Russia crisis, and learn what is driving the present-day deception. Then hear God’s prophetic directives for His people to know the truth, from Amanda Grace, Julie Green and Robin D. Bullock. (Show Notes)
In this age of deep, dark deception, we must diligently mine for truth then unite in our efforts as God’s partners, to restrain and subdue the works of the enemy. Guest Alex Newman reveals what MSM doesn’t, to equip us to attain the victory God has promised in these evil days. (Show Notes)
Did you know the efforts for a One World Order, which Biden recently stated the U.S. must lead, will entirely deplete the value of the dollar? Did you know the elite plan on stripping us from our money and property to distribute to the wealth to poorer nations? Did you know the lack within the world’s supply chain is planned to cause us to look to government for help? Learn what you need to know to partner with God to stop this evil plan from succeeding and protect yourself and your loved ones. (Show Notes)
Will God intervene in this month of April? Many prophets think so . . . My guest, Amanda Grace, helps us dissect prophecies to learn what we must do to be spiritually, emotionally and practically prepared in these unprecedented times. God gives prophecies to forewarn and forearm us to know how to persevere within His protection and provision. Learn what you need to know in these urgent days. (Show Notes)
Will God intervene in this month of April? Many prophets think so . . . My guest, Amanda Grace, helps us dissect prophecies to learn what we must do to be spiritually, emotionally and practically prepared in these unprecedented times. God gives prophecies to forewarn and forearm us to know how to persevere within His protection and provision. Learn what you need to know in these urgent days. (Show Notes)
God has been providing prophecies in rapid succession because He wants all of us who belong to Him to drown out the enemy’s noise and become resolutely attuned to His Words. My guest, Dave Scarlett from HisGlory.me provides more evidences to confirm God is intervening to enact His justice and restore righteousness. In these exceedingly pressing times, let today’s podcast renew your faith and invigorate your hope. (Show Notes)
God has been providing prophecies in rapid succession because He wants all of us who belong to Him to drown out the enemy’s noise and become resolutely attuned to His Words. My guest, Dave Scarlett from HisGlory.me provides more evidences to confirm God is intervening to enact His justice and restore righteousness. In these exceedingly pressing times, let today’s podcast renew your faith and invigorate your hope. (Show Notes)
The Church–Ekklesia–is the only body on earth that can push back evil. Are you aware what God wants you to do in partnership with Him? My guest, Bo Polny offers insight to help understand our present condition and learn what we can expect moving forward if we listen and obey. (Show Notes)
While the Main Stream Media continues to do the bidding of the evil cabal, God is making sure the truth is revealed. Learn prophetic truths to be set free from all the evil of our present day. Pam offers links to help with adversities imposed on us in the cabal’s evil effort of forming a One World Government. (Show Notes)
God is presenting us a redemptive opportunity, to protect our freedom and call radical global tyranny to account. Will you act on it? Listen to this episode with guest Tom Clark, Author and podcaster, about the sinister plans underway this very moment, to have nations cede their sovereignty to the World Health Organization, and rob us of our freedoms before you answer. And keep in mind, your inaction will empower our enemy. (Show Notes)
As the Biden Administration’s evil deeds continue to be exposed, the Church—the Ekklesia—is being raised up and called to corporate action. Christians have all the power and authority of Christ over all the works of the devil. Expect to see God’s demonstrated power through His people in the months ahead beginning in June 2020. (Show Notes)
Overcome Monkeypox by spiritual & practical strategies presented on this episode with guest Attorney Thomas Renz, powerful prophetic word from Julie Green and biblical teaching from Host, Pam Christian. (Show Notes)
Overcome Monkeypox by spiritual and practical strategies presented on this episode with guest Attorney Thomas Renz. Gain tips and insight to intentionally increase your faith and fully experience God’s protection and provision in these evil days. (Show Notes)
Bo Polny a Times Analyst, helps us discern current events so we will not be overcome by the enemy. This is not the time to give up! This is the time to rev up, especially during June through September this year. Learn your personal course of action to remain in God’s protection and provision. (Show Notes)
2022-2023 Year Three Episodes 105-156:
105. What Roles do the Supreme Court and the Church Have in the Resurrection of America? (7/6/2022) Listen to this Episode. 106. Learn how to Destroy the Works of the Enemy in Your Life and Your Loved Ones (7/13/2022) Listen to this Episode. 107. The Power of Agreement – An Appeal to Christians Around the World Part 1 of 3 (7/20/2022) Listen to this Episode. 108. Celebrate God’s Reversals in Advance to Drive the Enemy into Retreat Part 2 of 3 (7/27/2022) Listen to this Episode. 109. National Leaders Resigning is Not Evidence of One World Government Advancing Part 3 of 3 (8/3/2022) Listen to this Episode. 110. Nations Against Nations – Are We Headed for World War III? (8/10/2022) Listen to this Episode. 111. God Said: If You Don’t Act Now You Will Lose (8/17/2022) Listen to this Episode. 112. Through the Prophets God Says: Your Enemy’s Plans are Denied (8/24/2022) Listen to this Episode. 113. Imposters in the Church-Your Time is Up (8/31/2022) Listen to this Episode. 114. The Restored Ekklesia is the Archenemy of the WEF’s Great Reset (9/7/2022) Listen to this Episode. 115. Will You Be Part of the Triumphant Church? (9/14/2022) Listen to this Episode. 116. Biden’s Battle for the Soul of America (9/21/2022)Listen to this Episode. 117. Strategies to Win the War on Corrupt Governments (9/28/2022) Listen to this Episode. 118. Since God Ordained Civil Government, Why Aren’t Christians Involved? (10/5/2022) Listen to this Episode. 119. Their Great Reset is God’s Great Set-up (10/12/2022) Listen to this Episode. 120. What the Enemy Means for Evil, God Uses for Good (10/19/2022) Listen to this Episode. 121. We are the Greater Works Generation (10/26/2022) Listen to this Episode. 122. Red Pill or Blue Pill? The Choice is Yours (11/2/2022) Listen to this Episode. 123. Brace for Radical Changes As God Answers Our Prayers (11/9/2022) Listen to this Episode. 124. No More Delay, God Says Our Time is Now (11/16/2022) Listen to this Episode. 125. Do Not Accept Defeat–Things are Not as They Appear (11/23/2022) Listen to this Episode. 126. Tale of Two Constitutions (11/30/2022) Listen to this Episode. 127. Current Events are Proving God’s Prophecies (12/7/2022) Listen to this Episode. 128. Exercise Your Authority and Power in Christ (12/14/2022) Listen to this Episode. 129. The Backstory of Christmas (12/21/2022) Listen to this Episode. 130. Exercise Your Authority and Power in Christ – Replay (12/28/2022) Listen to this Episode. 131. The Backstory of Christmas – Replay (1/4/2023) Listen to this Episode. 132. Exercise Your Authority and Power in Christ – Replay (1/11/2023) Listen to this Episode. 133. 2023: The Year of God’s Judgment and Justice (1/18/2023) Listen to this Episode. 134. Truth, Transparency, and Accountability (1/25/2023) Listen to this Episode. 135. Truth, Transparency, and Accountability – Part II (2/1/2023) Listen to this Episode. 136. Prepare Yourself for the Greatest Move of God (2/8/2023) Listen to this Episode. 137. From My Heart to Yours (2/15/2023) Listen to this Episode. 138. Faith Without Works is Dead (2/22/2023) Listen to this Episode. 139. It’s Time to Mobilize the Church! (3/1/2023) Listen to this Episode. 140. Nothing Can Stop God’s Imminent Justice and Judgment – Part One (3/8/2023) Listen to this Episode. 141. Nothing Can Stop God’s Imminent Justice and Judgment – Part Two (3/15/2023) Listen to this Episode. 142. Threat of War, Financial and Governmental Unrest—Learn What God Expects from His People To Be in His Protection (3/22/2023) Listen to this Episode. 143. Come to Unity in the Faith Now! (3/29/2023) Listen to this Episode. 144. The Best is Yet to Come! (Due 4/5, posted 4/8/2023) Listen to this Episode. 145. What Does God Need from Us to Act in Our Behalf? (4/12/2023) Listen to this Episode. 146. Operation Continuity of Government (4/19/2023) Listen to this Episode. 147. David vs. Goliath–America vs. OWO (4/26/2023) Listen to this Episode. 148. God Promises: There is an End Coming (5/3/2023) Listen to this Episode. 149. Step Into Your God-Intended Destiny (5/10/2023) Listen to this Episode. 150. The Deep State, the Illuminati, and God (5/17/2023) Listen to this Episode. 151. The Tour, the Team and the Trump (5/24/2023) Listen to this Episode. 152. The Tour, the Team and the Trump – Part II (5/31/2023) Listen to this Episode. 153. God is in Control of the World; We are in Charge of our Lives (6/7/2023) Listen to this Episode. 154. God is in Control of the World; We are in Charge of our Lives – Part Two (6/14/2023) Listen to this Episode. 155. NESARA, the Deep State and the End Times (6/21/2023) Listen to this Episode. 156. NESARA, the Deep State and the End Times – Part 2 (6/28/2023) Listen to this Episode.Click here to link to all Show Notes and Resources
Truth and justice are the only forces on earth that can overcome evil. This is why the deep state cabal seeking a One World Government has worked so hard to silence the Church and corrupt the Courts. Could it be that the Church and the Courts are God’s secret weapon for resurrecting America? Today’s podcast with emphasis on Amanda Grace’s recent dream, offers much hope to consider. (Show Notes)
Speaking about evil reveals fear. Speaking against evil declares faith. Learn how to exhibit Christ’s authority and power in your life, when you listen to this podcast episode. Take away: God’s people effect change by openly decreeing and declaring God’s will in an united faith front. (Show Notes)
Both good and evil co-exist in this world, but do you realize the power of agreement determines which will prevail? Learn about the troubling trends of evil in this world and how you can be part of what turns the trend to good. You have a part to play in God’s plan for your life and the affairs of the world. What will you produce? (Show Notes)
God has established the way for us to drive the enemy into retreat. Do you know how? Let this podcast equip, empower and embolden into action like never before. This is God’s set time for the enemy’s retreat and your set time to partner with Him to establish liberty and freedom for the nations, if you are willing. (Show Notes)
Prophetically God has repeatedly cautioned us not to give in to how things appear. Regardless how the media interprets current events, listen to what God says, pray and prepare yourself for a new world government under God! Learn what God wants us to do in preparation for His imminent intervention. (Show Notes)
Many claim we are living in the last days of tribulation Scriptures warn about. Are we? To counter the gross lies promoted worldwide, God has been speaking through His prophets. Learn the truth to know where to place your trust and secure hope for your future with my guest Pastor David Scarlett sharing from both military and spiritual perspectives. (Show Notes)
As government leaders continue their efforts to control the free world, whistle blowers, video tapes and public gaffs are exposing them. The FBI and CDC’s recent backpeddling reveals even more. Will America and the other free nations of the world act in time? Learn from my guest Pastor Dave Scarlett through his military and prophetic perspectives, what you need to know for your future. (Show Notes)
The FBI’s raid on Trump’s Mara-Lago home crossed God’s red line. God’s infiltrators have shocking incriminating evidence. Obama, Biden, Hillary, Gates, Macron, Trudeau and their cronies, are now set up for God’s sting operation. Learn the truth mainstream media does not report from God’s prophets and patriots including my guest Pastor David Scarlett. (Show Notes)
Worldwide, the tension between good and evil is at its peak. We are about to experience sudden supernatural events like never before as God intervenes, beginning with His Church. Amanda Grace helps us understand the times from her prophetic wisdom to help us know how to respond in these unsettling times. (Show Notes)
Jesus established the Church to be the influential governing body over the world. Yet, through the years the Church has lost its way. Learn from my guest, Amanda Grace, how God has been making a way to reestablish His people to positions of influence, authority and power, to overcome the enemy’s effort for a One World Government and open the way for God’s Kingdom government. (Show Notes)
Now is the time of the greatest intensity in the battle between Good and evil. The door of repentance is rapidly closing. Learn from my Guest, Amanda Grace, what we must do to be in the protection of God as He administers judgment against our enemies. (Show Notes)
This month is the tipping point for the soul of America where all Christian Patriots are called upon to renounce the curse, and invoke the blessing, or see our nation fall to the Cabal. Learn what you must do to be part of God’s plan to rescue and restore America. (Show Notes)
Guest Alex Newman shares first-hand experience dealing with the corrupt Republican establishment as a candidate for public office, and gives us inside information what we can and must do to crush this evil system. Christians are the army to they fear most. (Show Notes)
Pam gives a no-punch-pulled overview of our present realities and shares prophecy of God’s plan for our nation, and His call for His people to get involved. Then guest, Alex Newman, shares his experience running for public office and gives us wisdom and direction on what we must do to save our nation, in part two of his two-part interview. (Show Notes)
Prophets and patriots united will usher in the greatest move of God to restore righteousness in the nation’s governments the world has ever seen. Learn what you can and must do in response to God’s revealed plans to receive His blessings instead of His judgment. (Show Notes)
The upcoming Midterm election is undoubtedly the most important in our lifetimes. We must fight to restore our Constitutional Republic. Learn the evil we must overcome and how to partner with God to see Him intervene in our behalf and restore the nations. (Show Notes)
With the midterm elections, the greatest opportunity for truth to prevail and overthrow evil in our lifetimes is upon us. The power of life and death, blessings and curses are in the tongue, which those promoting evil have known and used for decades. It’s time for the Church to overthrow evil. Learn how and get engaged now to call forth victory. (Show Notes)
The most important midterm elections for the United States is nearly upon us and your vote helps determine the future of the world. Special guest, Stacy Whited, co-host of Flyover Conservatives joins me today to help us understand what God has called and equipped you to do in partnership with Him. (Show Notes)
Learn more of what God is doing at this time to know how to be fully aligned with Him as He intervenes in our behalf. Don’t resist the change that is upon us no matter how unsettling at first, because all of it is for our good. (Show Notes)
God’s many prophecies are now to be fulfilled, one after the other in rapid succession. Learn what you must do to endure the impending judgments and how to be in position to receive His blessings. Guest Clay Clark shares some of the known evil plans against us, which God has revealed He will overcome. As God’s people, our time is now. (Show Notes)
Derek Johnson helps us explore what’s been hidden in plain sight for us to discover and be encouraged by the truth. Derek comes from a long line military family, and his unique interpretation of all we’ve witnessed since 2016 gives us much hope that the whole world is very close to seeing the victory we’ve been praying and waiting for. (Show Notes)
More evidence is coming to light that our US Republic has been hijacked long before the 2020 election. Join me and my guest, Derek Johnson, for part two of my interview with him. His military and legal insights provide some much-needed sense to all that’s going on in our world. (Show Notes)
Learn several highly inspiring prospects and be encouraged by Derek Johnson’s report, all of which point to our deliverance and the restoration of righteousness, worldwide. Focus on God’s many prophetic words as Pam shares unfolding events and rejoice even now! (Show Notes)
Have you longed to see Christians do the greater works Christ said we would? Learn what you need to know to be Christ’s unmatched authority and power in our world today. Guest Rick Rene helps us learn more to be empowered and emboldened. (Show Notes)
Special Edition: Urgent Letter Campaign to Hold Congress Accountable (12/16/2022) Listen to this Episode.
Act by 1/2/2023 to be part of what seems to be a God ordered effort to remove from office those who have failed to uphold their oath to serve “We the People”. Guest, Juan O. Savin explains. (Show Notes)
Many people celebrate Christmas for the wrong reasons. They lack understanding of the utter depravity of humanity, and the unconditional love of God demonstrated for all of us, on that first Christmas. Regardless of the extent of evil in this world, Jesus remains our only hope.(Show Notes)
Have you longed to see Christians do the greater works Christ said we would? Learn what you need to know to be Christ’s unmatched authority and power in our world today. Guest Rick Rene helps us learn more to be empowered and emboldened. (Show Notes)
Many people celebrate Christmas for the wrong reasons. They lack understanding of the utter depravity of humanity, and the unconditional love of God demonstrated for all of us, on that first Christmas. Regardless of the extent of evil in this world, Jesus remains our only hope.(Show Notes)
Have you longed to see Christians do the greater works Christ said we would? Learn what you need to know to be Christ’s unmatched authority and power in our world today. Guest Rick Rene helps us learn more to be empowered and emboldened. (Show Notes)
Learn the Hebrew expectations for this New Year and how the Supreme Court may award a history-making ruling that would radically change our government forever. Guest Michelle of Michelle May Ministries. (Show Notes)
Join the effort of discovering truth in partnership with God. Guest Michelle May helps us know what we must do as God’s vessels to see truth, justice, and prophecy fulfilled especially in these intense times. (Show Notes)
Guest Michelle May helps us know what we must do as God’s vessels to see truth, justice, and prophecy fulfilled especially in these intense times. Learn the five responses we must apply to prophesy to see it fulfilled. (Show Notes)
Learn the many prophecies God has given us specific to current events to inform us about what to expect in the upcoming weeks and months. Also, learn what you must do to prepare for these imminent days that will be the most intense the world has ever seen. (Show Notes)
With the recent tragic earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, and the many people who are dying suddenly, Pam shares her story of miraculously surviving sudden cardiac arrest and experiencing the threshold of heaven. None of us know the moment our life will end, making our faith choice a serious and urgent matter. (Show Notes)
Today more than ever it is imperative we walk by faith and make certain we do what we can in partnership with God. Guest, Deron Brunson explains the lawsuit to hold Congress accountable and presents us with an opportunity demonstrate our faith and help restore our nation. (Show Notes)
One World Government proponents continue to work to erode sovereignty of nations and strip individuals of their inalienable rights. The Church and America are successfully resisting the OWG. Guest James Roguski helps us know what the WHO is doing and what we must do to protect ourselves, our nation and the nations of the world. (Show Notes)
Guest Amanda Grace, helps us interpret God’s prophetic words through current events occurring throughout the world, with sober warning to be prepared with truth or experience otherwise avoidable pain and suffering. (Show Notes)
Guest Amanda Grace, helps us interpret God’s prophetic words through current events occurring throughout the world, with sober warning to be prepared with truth or experience otherwise avoidable pain and suffering. (Show Notes)
Partnering with God in these exceedingly intense days is the only way we can be delivered from evil. Allow this anointed message to fortify your faith to confidently decree and declare all God’s promises will be realized for you and your loved ones. (Show Notes)
In this critical point in world events God is firmly calling His children to unity of faith and steely focus on truth, demonstrated by willing obedience. God will always do His part and expect us to do ours. If we want our nations restored, we must obey God. (Show Notes)
Obedience to God in these times means to use the full authority and power Christ has given you to call forth God’s promises, confident God is workign in our behalf, even when we don’t see it. (Show Notes)
God’s perfect will for His people is always dependent upon the people’s response. God’s best is yet to come IF we obey His instructions. Learn how with this week’s podcast. (Show Notes)
Guest Derek Johnson, retired Army, explains how the Declaration of Independence empowers the people to oversee their governance, how the military is authorized to protect the people and how this operation has been functioning since October 2016. (Show Notes)
God is waking people up to truth about the Deep State, and military operations underway to assure America’s Continuity of Government and sovereignty of nations worldwide, explained by my guest, Derek Johnson. (Show Notes)
My guest, Derek Johnson (Part III) shares his unique research which is confirmed through high level military, intelligence and communication personnel and is consistent with God’s prophetic promises through Julie Green and others. (Show Notes)
You were not created to live in fear, but to partner with God and experience the fullness of Christ’s victory, especially in these dark days. Discover what has prevented you from the victorious life you desire with my encouragement and the help of Pastor David Scarlett. (Show Notes)
An in-depth overview of the current state of the world and God’s instructions for His people for how we are to respond NOW.(Show Notes)
Clay Clark of the ReAwaken America Tour informs and equips God’s people with truth, resulting in an invitation to personally meet with President Trump, to convey the advancement of a One World Order through what’s known as the Great Reset in effort to stop their agenda. (Show Notes)
Clay Clark of the ReAwaken America Tour informs and equips God’s people with truth, resulting in an invitation to personally meet with President Trump, to convey the advancement of a One World Order through what’s known as the Great Reset in effort to stop their agenda. (Show Notes)
God has given us free-will to choose our personal allegiance and outcomes and these dark days are actually God’s mercy at work to cause us to choose. Join guest Barry Wunsch has he helps us understand how to be aligned with God and all that is good. (Show Notes)
God has given us free-will to choose our personal allegiance and outcomes and these dark days are actually God’s mercy at work to cause us to choose. Join guest Barry Wunsch has he helps us understand how to be aligned with God and all that is good. (Show Notes)
My guest, Dr. Scott Young, helps us understand God’s plans and satan’s plans to know how to remain in God’s protection and provision as the battle intensifies in these present days. (Show Notes)
My guest, Dr. Scott Young, helps us understand God’s plans and satan’s plans to know how to remain in God’s protection and provision as the battle intensifies in these present days. (Show Notes)
2023-2024 Year Four Episodes 157-208:
157. Enslavement of the American People (7/5/2023) Listen to this Episode. 158. God Expects Us to Take Back What’s Rightfully Ours! (7/12/2023) Listen to this Episode. 159. What Are We Waiting For? (7/19/2023) Listen to this Episode. 160. This is the Day – This is the Hour – Part One (7/26/2023) Listen to this Episode. 161. This is the Day – This is the Hour – Part Two (8/2/2023) Listen to this Episode. 162. This is the Day – This is the Hour – Part Three (8/9/2023) Listen to this Episode. 163, The Door Is Open to Stop Evil NOW! (8/16/2023) Listen to this Episode. 164. The Door Is Open to Stop Evil NOW! – Part Two (8/23/2023) Listen to this Episode. 165, The Door Is Open to Stop Evil NOW! – Part Three (8/30/2023) Listen to this Episode. 166. By Our Mouths We Open and Close Doors – Part One (9/6/2023)Listen to this Episode. 167. By Our Mouths We Open and Close Doors – Part Two (9/13/2023) Listen to this Episode. 168. Is the Power of the Holy Spirit Evident in Your Life? (9/20/2023) Listen to this Episode. 169. Maintain Focus: We Win! (9/27/2023) Listen to this Episode. 170. Be on High Alert in October (10/4/2023) Listen to this Episode. 171. Be on High Alert in October – Part Two (10/11/2023) Listen to this Episode. 172. Things are Not as They Seem (10/18/2023) Listen to this Episode. 173. Israel, Then and Now (10/25/202) Listen to this Episode. 174, Beginning in This Hour Everything is Changing (11/1/2023) Listen to this Episode. 175. My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge (11/8/2023) Listen to this Episode. 176. The Time of Radical Transition is Upon Us (11/15/2023) Listen to this Episode. 177. In the Heat of the Battle Stay Focused (11/22/2023) Listen to this Episode. 178. Working to Save Our Nations (11/29/2023) Listen to this Episode. 179. Planned Perpetual Conflict (12/6/2023) Listen to this Episode. 180. Planned Perpetual Conflict – Part 2 (12/13/2023) Listen to this Episode. 181. From Stale Mate to Check Mate – Part 1 (12/20/2023) Listen to this Episode. 182. 2024 A Year of Transition (12/27/2023) Listen to this Episode. 183. Righteous Remnant Take Your Stand (1/3/2-24) Listen to this Episode. 184. Resist the Opposition at All Costs (1/10/2024) Listen to this Episode. 185. 2024 The Year of God’s Visitation (1/17/2024) Listen to this Episode. 186. 2024 is Just the Beginning of Our Winning – Part One (1/24/2024) Listen to this Episode. 187. 2024 is Just the Beginning of Our Winning – Part 2 (1/31/2024) Listen to this Episode. 188. 2024 is Just the Beginning of Our Winning – Part 3 (2/7/2024) Listen to this Episode. 189. To Live is Christ to Die is Gain (2/14/2024) Listen to this Episode. 190. 2024 the Year of Accountability – Part I (2/21/2024) Listen to this Episode. 191. 2024 the Year of Accountability – Part 2 (2/28/2024) Listen to this Episode. 192. World Media: For and By the People (3/6/2024) Listen to this Episode. 193. 2024: Expect the Unexpected – Part 1 (3/13/2023) Listen to this Episode. 194. 2024: Expect the Unexpected – Part 2 (3/20/2024) Listen to this Episode. 195. Signs of the Times – Part 1 (3/27/2024) Listen to this Episode. 196. Signs of the Times – Part 2 (4/3/2024) Listen to this Episode. 197. Signs of the Times – Part 3 (4/10/2024) Listen to this Episode. 198. Evil Never Prevails (4/17/2024) Listen to this Episode. 199. Partner with God to See Him Intervene (4/24/2024) Listen to this Episode. 200. The Separation of Wheat and Tares (5/1/2024) Listen to this Episode. 201. Victim or Victor? The Choice is Yours (5/8/2024) Listen to this Episode. 202. God’s Great Reset (5/15/2024) Listen to this Episode. 203. The Day of Decision is Here (5/22/2024) Listen to this Episode. 204. America and China: Part of God’s End-Time Plans (5/29/2024) Listen to this Episode. 205. America and China: Part of God’s End-Time Plans – Part Two (6/5/2024) Listen to this Episode. 206. Demolition, Devolution and Reformation (6/12/2024) Listen to this Episode. 207. Demolition, Devolution and Reformation – Part Two (6/19/2024) Listen to this Episode. 208. Is BRICS Setting the Stage for NESARA? – Part One (6/26/2024) Listen to this Episode.Click here to link to all Show Notes and Resources
Learn how America, which fought for independence from England, quickly embraced Britain’s corrupt power model, motivated by the same goals that proponents of the One World Government have. (Show Notes)
Our failure to apply the victory Christ died to give us makes a mockery of the Cross and plays into the enemy’s hand. God emphatically orders the Church to wake up and take back what belongs to us, TODAY. (Show Notes)
God has told us to take back all that is rightfully ours, so what is holding you back? Fear, doubt, unbelief? Such has always limited God’s people from receiving everything He wants to give and do. Take hold of truth and exercise your faith to see God’s will done on earth as it is in heaven. (Show Notes)
God’s gracious warnings have been extensive, and He has warned are soon to stop. Pastor David Scarlett helps us make final preparations for God’s promised deliverance in these very days, with expectations it will be greater than the Exodus of the Old Testament. (Show Notes)
God’s gracious warnings have been extensive, and He has warned are soon to stop. Pastor David Scarlett helps us make final preparations for God’s promised deliverance in these very days, with expectations it will be greater than the Exodus of the Old Testament. (Show Notes)
God’s gracious warnings have been extensive, and He has warned are soon to stop. Pastor David Scarlett helps us make final preparations for God’s promised deliverance in these very days, with expectations it will be greater than the Exodus of the Old Testament. (Show Notes)
Through His prophets God reveals what He has equipped us to do in the spiritual and guest James Roguski reveals the practical provision God opened for ALL the people of the world to take action TODAY. (Show Notes)
Through His prophets God reveals what He has equipped us to do in the spiritual and guest James Roguski reveals the practical provision God opened for ALL the people of the world to take action TODAY. (Show Notes)
Through His prophets God reveals what He has equipped us to do in the spiritual and guest James Roguski reveals the practical provision God opened for ALL the people of the world to take action TODAY. (Show Notes)
The Hebrew year 5784 starts September 15th 2020. Learn how God is instructing us to use the power of our tongues to overcome evil and to expect victory to become visible in this new year. Guest: Eric Burton (Show Notes)
The Hebrew year 5784 starts September 15th 2020. Learn how God is instructing us to use the power of our tongues to overcome evil and to expect victory to become visible in this new year. Guest: Eric Burton (Show Notes)
Are you truly surrendered to the Holy Spirit? Join me and my guest, Jared Laskey, as we explore the essential indwelling of the Holy Spirit we need especially in these very days. Urgent times call for urgent measures—Come Holy Spirit! Show Notes
Regardless how things appear, God instructs us to never give up, because the victory is already assured. Guest James Roguski reports on the latest World Health Organizations “theatrics” and encourages us to continue in battle to protect the sovereignty of our nations, and our personal healthcare rights. (Show Notes)
As the FCC and FEMA influenced by One World Government tests the Emergency Alert System, God is testing His people to reveal if we operate by fear or by faith. Guest Clay Clark challenges us to personally study the Bible to know God’s Word and how God wants us to respond. (Show Notes)
As the FCC and FEMA influenced by One World Government tests the Emergency Alert System, God is testing His people to reveal if we operate by fear or by faith. Guest Clay Clark challenges us to personally study the Bible to know God’s Word and how God wants us to respond. (Show Notes)
The Arab/Israeli conflict is as old as it is manipulated for political gain. Learn the history that has paved the way for the efforts of a One World Government, and how God has faithfully intervened on behalf of His people. (Show Notes)
No people group in all of history has been the target of so much hatred and violence than the Jews, evidenced with the recent terrorism. Pam provides historical evidence and spiritual insights to help us know more of the truth and how to respond. (Show Notes)
Be open for new insights of what is actually true as Pam offers biblical and historical evidence concerning present-day events to be certain we are not promoting evil. (Show Notes)
In order not to be deceived, we must be willing to reexamine what we think we know to be true. Pam shares well-researched historical facts of the Arab/Israeli conflict. (Show Notes)
God says this is the time for His people take hold of His assured victory, in the midst of the darkest hours. Guest, Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes helps us gain strategies to experience the hope and victory Christ has secured for God’s children in these very days. (Show Notes)
Guest James Roguski gives update on the World Health Organization’s efforts to gain world control under the UN and the WEF, but with God doing what we can’t, and us doing what we can, God always wins! Learn critical action you must take BEFORE 12/1/2023. (Show Notes)
Guest Clay Clark shares insight about the relentless efforts of the liberal left to advance their agenda while working to shut down anyone who opposes them. But what they don’t count on is our resolve because of our confidence in God’s promises.
Having trouble making sense out of all that’s going on in the world? Guest Alex Newman helps us better understand how everything is connected to the age-old effort for a One World Government without God. We are not helpless victims. There is much we can do and God instructs us how. Show Notes
Having trouble making sense out of all that’s going on in the world? Guest Alex Newman helps us better understand how everything is connected to the age-old effort for a One World Government without God. We are not helpless victims. There is much we can do and God instructs us how. Show Notes
Guest and Prophet Barry Wunsch shares his wisdom and insight explaining this is the time when God makes His move for the transformation of His people, and the restoration of the nations. From Stale Mate to Check Mate – Part One of Three. Show Notes
Guest and Prophet Barry Wunsch shares his wisdom and insight explaining this is the time when God makes His move for the transformation of His people, and the restoration of the nations. Part Two of Three Show Notes
Guest and Prophet Barry Wunsch shares his wisdom and insight explaining this is the time when God makes His move for the transformation of His people, and the restoration of the nations. Part Three of Three. Show Notes
Hear Pam’s take on events in the Middle-East and James Roguski’s explanation of secret attempts of the WHO to break their governing rules, both intended to gain world control. Show Notes
For decades God has planned this year of 2024 to be a time of His indisputable intervention in the affairs of humanity providing rewards for His faithful and justice against His enemies. Make certain you are where you want to be during this year of God’s transition. Show Notes
Understanding radical global economic changes, Dr. Scott Young helps us understand BRICS, QFS, CBDC, NESARA/GESARA and the transference of wealth God has prophesied for His people. Show Notes
Understanding radical global economic changes, Dr. Scott Young helps us understand BRICS, QFS, CBDC, NESARA/GESARA and the transference of wealth God has prophesied for His people. Show Notes
Understanding radical global economic changes, Dr. Scott Young helps us understand BRICS, QFS, CBDC, NESARA/GESARA and the transference of wealth God has prophesied for His people. Show Notes
Pam shares her personal and seriously compelling story of surviving sudden cardiac arrest with hopes of increasing awareness for the saving of both physical and spiritual lives. Show Notes
Guest Amanda Grace helps us learn how strategies for open borders, planned infiltration, and economic collapse will actually serve the restoration of nations. Show Notes
Guest Amanda Grace helps us learn how strategies for open borders, planned infiltration, and economic collapse will actually serve the restoration of nations. Show Notes
Guest James Roguski updates us about the WHO’s effort, as proxy of the UN, to gain control over the masses through legally binding international health regulations. We can expose and stop them from succeeding if we will simply do more of what we have been doing since we began to wake up in 2020. Show Notes
Guest Pastor Dave Scarlett shares practical and spiritual insights and wisdom concerning what lies ahead for this world, this year. Get equipped with the truth to know how to respond in these evil days. Show Notes
Guest Pastor Dave Scarlett cautions Christians regarding the significance of this hour, first for God’s judgment on the Church and then the world. The time of God’s grace for repentance is closing. How will you respond? Show Notes
Squaring off with present day controversy over Prophets and the prophetic, Pam Christian takes listeners through biblical understanding of prophecy and provides interpretation of upcoming events including the solar eclipse and God’s calendar. Show Notes
Squaring off with present day controversy over Prophets and the prophetic, Pam Christian takes listeners through biblical understanding of prophecy and provides interpretation of upcoming events and God’s calendar, with emphasis on the 2024 Solar Eclipse. Show Notes
Squaring off with present day controversy over Prophets and the prophetic, Pam Christian takes listeners through biblical understanding of prophecy and provides interpretation of upcoming events and God’s calendar, with emphasis on the 2024 Solar Eclipse. Show Notes
Many think God’s plan is for evil to increase worldwide, then Jesus rescues His people. This narrative is from the enemy of God. Learn how the Bible explains God equips His people for complete victory over evil, in light of Iran’s current attack on Israel. Show Notes
BONUS: Discover Your New Direction and Purpose (4/18/2024) Listen to this Episode.
Pam shares her personal journey in business and ministry to encourage you to take the next step in what God is asking of you. Guest Clay Clark offers to personally help you with both his Business Conference and the ReAwaken America tour. Show Notes
God has been using the escalation of evil in our midst to wake us up to truth. Learn from guest, Clay Clark, about BRICS, CERN and NASA and how these programs will bring destruction unless we partner with God to expose and deal with evil. Show Notes
Guest Derek Johnson helps us understand how God is using world governments for His purposes. Dr. Patricia Green shares that God has marked these days for His intervention where evil will be judged in a way that surpasses the Days of Noah, while Pam explains what we must do to remain in God’s provision and protection.
With Guest, Alex Newman, Pam explores the essentiality for Christians to be engaged in every aspect of society to push evil back and expand God’s Kingdom according to His will for these present days. Victory is already assured, IF you properly take hold of it. Show Notes
God has uniquely marked this year to establish a never-before seen Kingdom Era which will overturn the advances of the enemy worldwide. Pam helps us know how to prepare to not miss what God is doing with the help of Tim Sheets, Dr Patricia Green and Johnny Enlow. Show Notes
From Pentecost (5/19/24) through the end of June (Shavuot) God will reveal man’s decisions, separating the wheat from the tears. Where will you be found? Show Notes
Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller discusses current day fulfillment of biblical prophecy and where America is in God’s timeline. Show Notes
Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller discusses current day fulfillment of biblical prophecy and where America is in God’s timeline. Show Notes
China, Canada, Ukraine, Russia, the United States, the UN, the WHO and the Church are all undergoing God’s intervention. Look forward with faith for what God has promised. Do not get stuck on how things appear. Guest: James Roguski Show Notes
Guest James Roguski helps us understand the truth about the WHO and how all evil in the world is intertwined and is currently being exposed and judged by God in this time of accountability. Show Notes
NESARA/GESARA has all the signs of replacing the world monetary system very soon. Guest expert Dr. Scott Young helps us understand, offering calm and hope for our personal finances. Show Notes
2024-2025 Year Five Episodes 209-260:
209. Is BRICS Setting the Stage for NESARA? – Part Two (7/3/2024) Listen to this Episode. 210. We are in the Time of Transition (7/10/2024) Listen to this Episode. 211. The Plan, the Preparation, and the Purpose – Part One (7/17/2024) Listen to this Episode. 212. The Plan, the Preparation and the Purpose – Part Two (7/24/2024) Listen to this Episode. 213. The Plan, the Preparation and the Purpose – Part Three (7/31/2024) Listen to this Episode. 214. Know Your Authority, Power and Future in Christ (8/7/2024) Listen to this Episode 215. Know Your Authority, Power and Future in Christ – Repeat (8/14/2024) Listen to this Episode 216. As in the Days of Haman (8/21/2024) Listen to this Episode 217. The Storm is Here, Victory is Next! (8/28/2024) Listen to this Episode 218 September: Expect Powerful Evidence of God’s Intervention (9/4/2024) Listen to this Episode 219 BONUS: Are You Sure What You Believe is True? (8/28/2024) Listen to this Episode 220. Wars within the War (9/11/2024) Listen to this Episode 221. God’s Promises Overrule Any Enemy’s Efforts Listen to this Episode 222. Defeat or Victory is Up to God’s People (9/25/2024) Listen to this Episode 223. The Time of Radical Transition Worldwide (20/2/2024) Listen to this Episode 224. The Storm is Upon Us (10/9/2024) Listen to this Episode 225. God’s Verdicts are Upon Us (10/16/2024) Listen to this Episode 226. God’s Verdicts are Upon Us – Part 2 (10/23/2024) Listen to this Episode 227. Beyond the Election (10/31/2024) Listen to this Episode 229. The Great American Deception – Part One (11/13/2024) Listen to this Episode 230. The Great American Deception – Part Two (11/20/2024) Listen to this Episode 231. The Great Deception – Part Three (11/27/2024) Listen to this Episode 232. God and Governments – Part One (12/4/2024) Listen to this Episode 233. God and Governments – Part Two (12/11/2024) Listen to this Episode 234. God and Governments – Part Two (12/18/2024) Listen to this Episode 235. Christmas Redemption (12/25/2024) Listen to this Episode 236. New Year Revelation (1/1/2025) Listen to this Episode 237. What Has God Revealed About 2025? (1/8/2025) Listen to this Episode 238. The Certainty of God and His Ways (1/15/2025) Listen to this Episode 239. A Win if We can Keep It (1/22/2025) Listen to this Episode 240. Take Hold of Your Divine Destiny (1/29/2025) Listen to this Episode 241. Take Hold of Your Devine Destiny – Part 2 (2/5/2025) Listen to this Episode 242. Exposing the United Nation’s Plan for 2025 – Part 1 (2/12/2025) Listen to this Episode 243. Exposing the United Nation’s Plan for 2025 – Part 2 (2/19/2025) Listen to this Episode 244. Freedom from Bondage – Part 1 (2/26/2025) Listen to this Episode 245. Freedom from Bondage- Part 2 (3/5/2025) Listen to this Episode 246. Freedom from Bondage – Part 3 (3/12/2025) Listen to this Episode 247. Making Sense out of Crazy (3/19/2025) Listen to this Episode Faith to Live By is recognized by Feedspot as among the top 15 Charismatic Christian Podcasts: https://blog.feedspot.com/charismatic_christian_podcasts/Click here to link to all Show Notes and Resources
NESARA/GESARA has all the signs of replacing the world monetary system very soon. Guest expert Dr. Scott Young helps us understand, offering calm and hope for our personal finances. Show Notes
Guest Amanda Grace, helps us make sense out of all that’s occurring in the world, and see how God is using the pressures of our day to prepare His people to step into their individual destinies in partnership with Him to advance His Kingdom will.
Guest Donne Clement Petruska helps us consider our present times in light of past prophecies given through her father, Kim Clement. Expect both great and terrible events to occur with the promise of great victories and blessings. Show Notes
Guest Donne’ Clement Petruska helps us consider our present times in light of past prophecies given through her father, Kim Clement. Expect both great and terrible events to occur with the promise of great victories and blessings. Show Notes
Guest Donne’ Clement Petruska helps us consider our present times in light of past prophecies given through her father, Kim Clement. Expect both great and terrible events to occur with the promise of great victories and blessings. Show Notes
Pam explains: It’s not enough to know about the authority, power and future available in Christ, we must learn to appropriate and protect its purity if we want to see God work in our midst especially as God transitions us into the new year of seeing His intervention to eradicate evil. Show Notes
Pam explains: It’s not enough to know about the authority, power and future available in Christ, we must learn to appropriate and protect its purity if we want to see God work in our midst especially as God transitions us into the new year of seeing His intervention to eradicate evil. Show Notes
Expect intense chaos and violence in the days to come as God administers His judgment upon evil. While this will be difficult to witness, know it brings justice for God’s people. Learn what God expects of you during this time so you can remain in God’s care. Show Notes
God is shifting people into positions to work with Him to reform the world. Guest James Roguski exposes the truth about the WHO, while RFK Jr exposes the Democrat Party and provides example for us in stepping into our unique assignment in God’s plans. Show Notes
Hear Dr. Patricia Green and Julie Green’s prophecies in light of the Brunson Brothers law suits and it’s evident the fulfillment of God’s prophecies are accelerating as world events align with His Word. Show Notes
Doubt and fear are based on uncertainty. To have a confident faith you must be certain what is true. Hear Pam’s passion to help people discover and live in life-giving truth which she does in part wither online apologetics course. Show Notes
Learn how the Deep State, seeking global dominance, is focused on Israel and the United States, how they use Big Tech and Big Media to control the narrative and what God has said He plans to do in the final battle in the war on evil. Show Notes
Pam opens with prophecy about the unprecedented fight against evil we are in, explains some of the enemy’s efforts intended to overwhelm us then, transitions to fulfillment of God’s promises with just one example of God’s provision for miraculous healing as shared by guest, Leigh Dundas. Show Notes
God has said He does not need an election to save this country. Then through Robin Bullock He made clear what is needed. YOU! Pam shares how the evil in Israel is evidence of evil worldwide and makes clear what we must understand and do to see God’s intended victory. Show Notes
Pam insightfully reveals how God is orchestrating all world events according to His plan for world transition. Guest Steve Groves of the Heritage Foundation explains how Project 2025 is a guide for transition for the next conservative U.S. President. Show Notes
Hurricanes Helene and Milton are acts of man not God. Pam reveals how God is once again using what the enemy means for evil to bring good for many. Show Notes
God is removing evil with the expectation of His people stepping in to take back what has been stolen. Guest Amanda Grace shares insights, instruction and prophecy for these days immediately following Yom Kippur/The Day of Atonement. Show Notes
God is removing evil with the expectation of His people stepping in to take back what has been stolen. Guest Amanda Grace shares insights, instruction and prophecy for these days immediately following Yom Kippur/The Day of Atonement. Show Notes
God has been clear to expect greater turmoil after the election. Guest Alex Newman brings tremendous wisdom and insight along with prophecy through Julie Green helping us know how we must respond to see God’s planned victory. Show Notes
228. Expect the Unexpected (11/6/2024) Listen to this Episode
Pastor David Scarlett weighs in on the U.S. Presidential Election noting our assurance for a righteous outcome depends on how God’s people respond to the enemy’s efforts. Learn what God asks of His people during the days, weeks and months ahead. Show Notes
Guest Dr. Scott Young helps us understand the reality of a sinister plan to overcome the United States that’s been operating nearly since its founding, that God is exposing and demolishing according to our cooperation with God. Show Notes
Guest Dr. Scott Young helps us understand the reality of a sinister plan to overcome the United States that’s been operating nearly since its founding, that God is exposing and demolishing according to our cooperation with God. Show Notes
Guest Dr. Scott Young helps us understand the players involved in the effort to overthrew America for a One World Government as God reveals His plans of intervention. Show Notes
Prophet Barry Wunsch brings spiritual insight to what God is doing in the nations of the world, with special emphasis on the next several weeks. Show Notes
Prophet Barry Wunsch brings spiritual insight to what God is doing in the nations of the world with special emphasis on the next several weeks. Show Notes
Prophet Barry Wunsch brings spiritual insight to what God is doing in the nations of the world with special emphasis on the next several weeks. Show Notes
Prophet Amanda Grace joins us at Christmas and New Years, to talk about the times we’re living in and the tremendous benefits and blessings available for those properly aligned with Him. Show Notes
Prophet Amanda Grace joins us at Christmas and New Years, to talk about the times we’re living in and the tremendous benefits and blessings available for those properly aligned with Him. Show Notes
God has unprecedented promises for this year, but do you know what is required to receive His Promises? Host Pam Christian provides prophetic and spiritual insights for us to fully embrace everything God wants us to have. Show Notes
Sensing the atmosphere of urgency prophetically revealed, Pam encourages people to consider their ways in light of God’s ways to make certain they are on the path for the future they desire. Show Notes
Will history repeat itself, or will God’s people finally learn to remain vigilant to remain in His protection and provision after His deliverance? God has allowed the fate of our future according to our choices. What will the next five years reveal? Show Notes
Hearing and obeying God is more critical than ever, as God is NOW judging evil and administering justice. Learn from Guest Dr. Scott Young what we can expect in the coming weeks and months. Show Notes
Hearing and obeying God is more critical than ever, as God is NOW judging evil and administering justice. Learn from Guest Dr. Scott Young what we can expect in the coming weeks and months. Show Notes
What does the UN International Court of Justice and the Hitler’s Nazi regime have in common with what the UN seeks to do this year? Find out from my guest, Alex Newman, with today’s podcast. Show Notes
What does the UN International Court of Justice and the Hitler’s Nazi regime have in common with what the UN seeks to do this year? Find out fron my guest, Alex Newman, with today’s podcast. Show Notes
Learning how we’ve been controlled through the money systems of the world is essential for our breaking free. President Trump is leading the way for us to restore our freedoms and never again allow God’s will to be suppressed. Show Notes
Learning how we’ve been controlled through the money systems of the world is essential for our breaking free. President Trump is leading the way for us to restore our freedoms and never again allow God’s will to be Suppressed. Show Notes
Learning how we’ve been controlled through the money systems of the world is essential for our breaking free. President Trump is leading the way for us to restore our freedoms and never again allow God’s will to be suppressed. Show Notes
Pastor David Scarlett helps us look at world events from God’s point of view providing law, order and reassurance. World governances, global economy, national sovereignties, are all under God’s control. Show Notes
Click here to link to all Show Notes and Resources
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Faith to Live By is the name of the podcast, television and book series by Pamela Christian
Internet Television Program on HSBN.tv
Faith to Live By television is available for viewing through HSBN.tv, KiTV, CWWN.tv (the new Christian Women’s Word Network), You Tube, and Spotify. Roku and Direct TV are under negotiations for future broadcasting, by HSBN.tv. View shows here.
Season One
2. Teen Transgender Contagion
3. Understanding Cult Control
4. Child Abuse Awareness
5. Depression and Anxiety
6. Abortion’s Devastation
7. Understanding Homosexuality
8. Responding to Homosexuals
9. Domestic Abuse
10. Transgender Deceptions -A
11. Transgender Deceptions -B
12. Drug Addiction
13. Human Trafficking
Judy Glenny
Athena Dean-Holtz
Kathy Collard Miller
Dr. Michelle Bengtson
Kim Ketola
Joe Dallas
Joe Dallas
Pat Bell
Walt Heyer
Walt Heyer
David DeMille
Dr. Sandra Morgan
Show more programs...
Renewing the Mind
Elder Care
Insights to Gender Identity
Divorce and the Church
Alcohol Abuse/Addiction
Human Trafficking
Childhood Adversities
Pornography’s Devastation
Unequally Yoked
Stopping Human Trafficking
Overcoming PTSD
Foster Care Awareness
Obesity and the Church
Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith
Chap. Heather Riley
Denise Shick
Peggy Sue Wells
Dr./Pastor Bob Tucker
Peggy Sue Wells
Tammy Kennington
Larry Sonnenberg
Lynn Donovan
Emily Lowman
Tammy Kennington
Jeff Carlson
Dr. Scott Stoll
Link to view TV program Special Offers and Resources
To learn about Pam’s Faith to Live By book series visit her Author Page.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions of guests and participants on the the Faith to Live By show are their own and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Pamela Christian, the management, staff or volunteers of Pamela Christian Ministries LLC, or our sponsors. The contents on the show and this web site are purely for exploratory discussion and do not imply professional advice of any kind. Any suggested sponsors or resources do not imply endorsement by Pamela Christian, the management, staff or volunteers of Pamela Christian Ministries LLC, or our sponsors. Viewers/Listeners are encouraged to vet all products and resources mentioned on the show and/or listed on this web site. We seek partners and sponsors we have every reason to believe operate with the utmost integrity. Should you encounter a problem with one of our partners/sponsors we’d like to know about it. However, Pamela Christian Ministries LLC is not responsible for the actions or failures of any third party mentioned on this site.