Christians have the answer the world needs, but how do we get heard? We can’t expect people who consider the church irrelevant to come to the Church for the answers they need. Neither can we expect the lost to think the Christian Church has the answers they need, when they consider all religions equal. I don’t see many church leaders equipping Believers to reach the lost for Christ, even though the mandate of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) is for all of us to go and make disciples for Christ.
How would you respond to a transgender individual? How would you respond to an abortionist? How would you respond to a prostitute? How would you respond to any number of social ills that are plaguing our culture and destroying lives? Before our very eyes people are on the road to hell. If we can stand idly by and do nothing to help our neighbor, the love of God is not in us. Jesus said as His disciples we are to be known, or recognized by our love for one another. Love must be the distinguishing mark of Jesus’ disciples and be expressed to both our neighbors and our enemies.
With this post I hope to tug on your heartstrings, inspire, and equip you to demonstrate God’s love to those who don’t know God. There are many things you can do that aren’t risky. Yet, for those who want to step out and take a risk, there are some ideas for you here.
- Intercessory Prayer. Sincerely praying for: revival, reformation, salvation, exposure of corruption, opening eyes to the truth, increase of righteousness, more righteous men and women to be positioned in leadership, protection of the righteous men and women leaders, protection for all from evil, people to be hungry for truth, people to be dissatisfied with our culture and partner with God as change agents, unity among Christians, Christians to be increased and demonstrate God’s love and compassion, people to be awakened to the fact they have been partnering with evil, witchcraft to be utterly bound, God to reveal the plans of the enemy before implementation, plans of the enemy already in place to be shattered, God to send necessary resources needed to meet people’s real-world needs, workers of the harvest, increase of faith, courage and boldness among Christians. I”m sure there are many other prayer topics you can include.
- Using Your Gifts and Fulfilling Your Calling. God has given each Believer gifts and talents and the mandate of the Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20. How you will specifically “go” will be consistent with your gifts, talents and calling. Look at the list of spiritual gifts and places of service with intentional effort of finding your place in God’s plan. This article may be useful. While it’s good to use your gifts and talents within your church, all of us should find how we can serve outside the church. You may not be comfortable personally approaching a person in need of Jesus directly. If so, find a group you can join that is successfully reaching the lost for Christ. It may be a homeless shelter, soup kitchen, addiction counseling help group, abortion recovery help group, help a single parent, and more. There are countless groups that exist to help people who have been caught up in the ravages of sin and evil. Additionally, you might personally become a foster parent, disciple teens, speak at various events, write a blog or book, serve at your local school or school board, teach or participate with a prison ministry, adopt a widow, support an orphanage, lead a small group at the workplace. Seek the Lord about what you are especially created to be able to do as His partner in the Great Commission.
- Form an Outreach Effort. There are so many different ways we can reach the lost in our community for Christ. Holding a diaper drive, a back pack drive, a Vacation Bible School, community-wide concert or BBQ in the park, are just a few ways we can reach the people in our community. I’d like to see churches join together to create a community or regional event at a location other than a church, open to the public. My Exceptional Keynote Speakers bureau has been formed to help churches in this specific manner. Additionally, there are ways you can host a special movie screening in your local theaters. This is a low to no cost effort. I am personally hosting my first screening next month. To learn more, visit A theater is a perfect, non-threatening environment to ask people in your community to come and watch a movie. Choose movies with a message that will help righteousness increase. Screening events are an excellent way to take the Church to the community.
These are just some ideas. I’d love to hear from you of other ideas you’ve come up with. Post them here so all reader can benefit. And if you have a success report consistent with this post, by all means I want to hear from you.
All of us want to hear “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” Yet, the only way we can hope to hear this is to put our feet to our faith. Looking forward to hearing from you.