Picture this: an entire movie theater is packed with people from all walks of life to see a popular western. The hero in the movie is a man on a white horse who is dressed in all white and toped with a white, wide-brimmed cowboy hat. The villain in the movie is a man who …
December 25th. Christmas, the day the whole world celebrates the birth of Jesus, the first Christmas gift–the first Christmas miracle. Pondering why we know the actual birth dates for many people who lived long before Jesus, I couldn’t help but consider, God has likely caused Jesus’ birthdate to be unknown, so we will give …
Let us prepare ourselves for the Day of Atonement to be certain we are in position to receive God’s protection and provision. If you are a listener to my podcast (and I certainly hope you are!) then you know each week I seek the Lord to help us understand world events, God’s plan and our …
Once again I’m late getting this edition of my Bi-monthly ENewsletter out. Events in our personal life have intensified, magnifying the need for resolute perseverance as never before. As one who has been quoted for saying: “Any time you give up on anything you give up on God,” I had better practice what I …
I am very late in getting this edition of Transformed Living published because my family has been dealing with an exceptionally difficult reality since February 10, 2024. Since a large number of you who subscribe to this are personal friends, I am asking in all earnest for your prayers for God’s swift intervention, healing and …
Faith to Live By is the title of my book series, my internet television series and my podcast series. God has deeply imprinted my heart with the importance that His people live by faith based on truth. Many people unknowingly live their life placing faith in matters that are not true and therefore will …
® Because of the extreme worldwide realities involving governments, world leaders, wars and potential escalation of wars, medical tyranny, media censorship, rampant and unrelenting crimes against humanity, efforts for world dominance with no respect for God, and the unavoidable personal tribulations we all experience, this post is late. With my weekly podcast, I have sought …
As the years have progressed since the world-shattering events surrounding COVID-19, as more and more corruption has been revealed with great harm to property and lives, many are finding it difficult to maintain any hope, believing nothing is being done to hold people accountable. Many believe things have gone too far to reign in the …
On September 15th 2024 the Hebrew calendar rolled into the year of 5784–something we need to consider. The Gregorian calendar estimates the number of years since the birth of Christ (AD/CE), whereas the Hebrew calendar estimates the number of years since creation. According to Hebrew time reckoning, we are currently in the sixth millennium. Traditionally, …
I was recently invited to speak before the Fountain Valley/Huntington Beach Aglow Lighthouse. What follows here is the message the Lord inspired. With several of the women asking for my notes, I thought sharing here would be best. We can all agree life for all the people of the world was radically interrupted in …