I think everyone is aware by now we are living in unprecedented times where evil has advanced and has spread far and wide and deeper than anyone thought it could. Those of us who personally know God, who from reading His Written Word, understand His character, will and intentions for all of Creation, have no …
I have said, as have many others, that the time from Purim to Pentecost are highly significant days on God’s timeline. This year, Purim was March 6-7. Purim is the feast recorded in the book of Esther, where evil plans of Haman against God’s people boomeranged back upon himself and his ten sons, giving the …
At the end of each year, I typically seek the Lord to have understanding about the next year. In 2019 while doing this, I clearly heard the Lord express that He’d be exposing all manner of corruption wherever it exists. When the year 2020 got underway, the whole world was besieged with reports of a …
With all that’s coming to the light of truth about Twitter’s censorship to control the outcome of the 2020 elections under the guidance of Jim Baker, a key player at the FBI during the Russian Collusion Hoax, who oversaw the censorship at Twitter, understanding the importance of Free Speech is more important than ever. …
There is one question I can ask anyone anywhere in the world and they would all answer the same. Want to know the question? Who wants to live your life on the basis of lies? Absolutely no one would say they want to live their life based on lies. No one likes being lied …
I expect this article to offend you, so I apologize in advance, but you can thank me later; at least some will thank me. While we have been keenly focused on all the wrongs committed against humanity by those in positions of governmental and political leadership and power, we have failed to acknowledge our …
I sense it. I suspect you sense it. And I perceive a growing number of people in massive proportions sense the increasing momentum of power and might worldwide. Something is on the horizon. Something more eerie and ominous than what the people of the world have ever before experienced. Even people who claim no religious …
I am especially sensitive to the times we’re living understanding God is about to move in this earth in ways we have never seen before. My heart-concern is for those who are lukewarm. Revelation 3:15-16 is clear God would rather we be hot or cold, than to be lukewarm. To be hot is to be completely …
I am concerned. I am concerned for you. I am concerned for all that’s important to you. I am concerned for our world. I am concerned for myself and my loved ones. As world events escalate, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to get up in the morning with an optimistic attitude. Too many factors exist …
How Does God Want Us to Embrace this New Year? “While I hear many Christians fearfully speak of doom and gloom, I hear respected prophets explain the events we’ve been enduring with tremendous optimism for the future. That’s where I land. If you or someone you know is living in fear and dread, take time …