I was recently invited to speak before the Fountain Valley/Huntington Beach Aglow Lighthouse. What follows here is the message the Lord inspired. With several of the women asking for my notes, I thought sharing here would be best.
We can all agree life for all the people of the world was radically interrupted in the year 2020. You might recall when I was with you the last time in October 2020, I shared that at the end of 2019, I sought the Lord about what we could expect for 2020. The Lord made clear He would be exposing all manner of evil and corruption wherever it exits, starting with the Church. 1 Peter 4:17 clearly states God’s judgment begins with the House of the Lord which is to say it begins with His people.
Since 2020 until now, God indeed has been exposing all manner of corruption. He has been exposing evil to fully display it in advance of His intervention giving people every opportunity to repent. God is waking people up to the extent of evil and the gross injustice the enemy has imposed, worldwide.
At the same time God has been speaking directly to His Church—His people—to wake us up to the realization that the evil and corruption has been allowed to advance under our watch.
What the Lord has been hammering on through His prophets as of late, is for us to know our responsibility in everything that occurs in the world.
Consider with me: Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection completely destroyed all the works of the enemy. Christ’s resurrection meant God’s people received something none of His children had ever experienced before—and that is the imputed authority and power of Jesus over all the works of the Devil, with a deposit of guarantee in the form of the indwelling of Holy Spirit.
Think about it: Not a single person prior to Christ’s ascension had the indwelling power of Holy Spirit! It is unique to Believers in the New Testament time—the time of what Jesus called the Better Covenant—the time we’ve been blessed to live in. And if that weren’t enough, since Christ’s resurrection, God has continued to work on behalf of His Church. Today we have the full cannon of Scripture both the Old and New Testament. And more, we live in a nation that was founded on our Creator God, and the Bible. America was uniquely founded as a country dedicated to God so people could openly worship Him and live according to His ways, thereby receiving the fullness of God’s blessings!
More than any other nation in the world, America is credited for sharing the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and for being far more generous in helping the poor and needy worldwide. God has blessed America and allowed it to be uniquely prosperous as a result. That is, until God’s people became apathetic, complacent and uninvolved with nearly every aspect of society outside of our personal lives. As a republic, America is to be governed for and by the people This demands our involvement—not only in our government but every aspect of society collectively referred to as the seven mountains of society. They are the Church, Family, Government, Business/Finance, Media, Education and Arts/Entertainment.
I firmly believe, as we approached the year 2020, God had drawn a line and declared it has gone this far and it shall go no farther. Just as God has watched over the affairs of humanity since the beginning of time, He’s been observing the rampant increase of evil and the failure of His people to be the Salt and Light we are not only called to be, but fully equipped to be. We who have the truth have been commanded to share the truth with the lost and dying world so that God’s Kingdom will is visibly done on earth as it is in heaven. And I think we have to agree, before God and one another, the Church has woefully failed, not unlike God’s people of the Old Testament.
The history of how God’s people failed Him again and again is captured in the Bible so that God’s people living afterward can learn from their failings. In comparison, since we who live in this New Testament era have so much more to assure our success in doing God’s will, actually restraining the advancement of evil, is it any wonder judgment begins with the House of the Lord?
Prophetically, these months of June, July and this new month of August, are pivotal months in God’s plan. They provide the last opportunities for people to repent from their wicked ways and turn to God—this includes God’s people. Our God has promised if His people will humble ourselves, repent and seek His face, He will hear our prayers and heal our land. (1 Chronicles 7:14). And I’m sure you agree with me, much more than our land needs healing at this point—our hearts and minds need healing that we can be restored into a right understanding of who we are in Christ and what God wants us to do.
To better understand what God wants of each of us collectively as the Church, let’s look at Matthew chapter 16. Jesus responds to Peter’s revelation of who Jesus was and is by saying, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood have not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter and upon this rock I will build My Church and the gates of hell) shall not prevail against it.” Many have interpreted that passage to mean Jesus declared Peter to be the rock upon which the Church would be built. But consider the following.
When Jesus said, “And I tell you that you are Peter, He used the word petros which in Aramaic is Cephas, and means small stone. But when Jesus said “Upon this rock I will build My Church, He used a different Greek word—the word was petra. Petra by contrast referred to bedrock or a large foundation bolder. So to Peter, Jesus affirmed him as a little stone, a man of solid faith, for grasping what the Holy Spirit revealed, that Jesus was indeed the Promised Redeemer. Then Jesus went onto say, upon this bedrock foundation of the revelation from the Holy Spirit—that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah—He will build His Church.
Jesus Himself is the foundational bedrock upon which He will build His Church. https://blog.tms.edu/upon-this-rock And THIS is the truth we, as Christ’s disciples, are instructed to share with all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). But also important in this passage, is the Greek word Jesus used for Church. What is translated as the word church in our modern-day Bibles, was originally the Greek word Ekklesia. The word Ekklesia denotes a gathering of citizens, separated from their home to a public place. It means a legislative group, assembly or congregation that demonstrates governing authority and influences people around them with their revelation, attracting them to consider becoming part of the Ekklesia. https://www.biblestudytools.com/lexicons/greek/nas/ekklesia.html and http://www.kingdomcongress.com/ekklesia-13-nature-of-authority.html
The word Ekklesia is a Greek Word, but more, it is a concept the Roman Government fully embraced. The way the ancient Romans advanced their Kingdom was by governing officials conferring their authority on local officials to establish new Roman territories. Then the local officials were responsible for assimilating the people into the Roman government and culture. Notwithstanding their military takeovers, in this way the Roman Government instigated peaceful takeovers by influencing people to the advantages of willfully surrendering their culture and government for that of the Roman Empire.
People in Jesus’s day would have this understanding of Ekklesia, however with awareness that their authority and influence was specific for a spiritual government. The idea was to carry all Christ’s authority and power into the nations of the world, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything Jesus had commanded. (Matthew 28:18-20).
Clearly, since the early Church, the enemy of God has wormed his way in, convincing us of lies and limitations knowing by doing so he would make the Church impotent allowing him to do his evil deeds without opposition. In short, God’s people have been lulled asleep, have been bewitched and bedazzled with what is appealing to our carnal self, according to 1 John 2:16, which in the Amplified reads, “For all that is in the world—the lust and sensual craving of the flesh and the lust and longing of the eyes and the boastful pride of life [pretentious confidence in one’s resources or in the stability of earthly things]—these do not come from the Father, but are from the world.”
With what I’ve shared thus far, I summarize my first sub-point to my overall message:
God has uniquely made provision for us to overcome the enemy’s intended destruction by establishing the Church
to function according all the authority and power of Jesus Christ.
Now, with my second sub-point I’ll move into more of the explanation of how we allowed the world to get into the mess it’s in. In the same way God warned His people in the Old Testament, He warns us today: a lack of knowledge will always lead to destruction. God said in Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; AND He goes on to say in that same verse:
because you (speaking to His people) have rejected knowledge,
I reject you from being a priest to me.
And since you have forgotten the law of your God,
I also will forget your children.
Do you understand the very real urgency in this hour? God’s people are also subject to His judgment. In fact, those of us who know the truth are actually held to a higher standard—a higher accountability to uphold truth! It is imperative we understand this and without delay in this hour. God has seen the proliferation of evil. He has heard people cry out “God where are you in all this?” And God having done everything He already has to assure our victory responds, “Where are My people in all this?”
We have endured all we have because of our own ignorance! Evil has advanced to the point is has because of our being deceived. And gratefully because God knows that victims of deception are unaware of their condition, GOD has been at work exposing all manner of corruption even allowing us to suffer the consequences of our own ignorance, to wake us up to the truth. God does not want anyone to perish, and He is going to great lengths to cause people all around the world to wake up to truth so they won’t perish—even though much of what we are suffering today we have brought on ourselves for failing to be diligent in our relationship with Jesus—for failing to abide in Him and His Word.
One area of ignorance—in fact an area of great deception of God’s people that I am up in arms about—is the false doctrine that believes because the Bible teaches that in the End Times things will get worse, darkness will cover the whole earth and there will be a great falling away, we should expect to be pushed back and marginalized, minimalized and driven into cowardice, all while we wait for Jesus to return to rescue us.
Please if this is how you’ve been taught—if you have come to believe this doctrine, listen to the truth I bring to you today, because God says these are urgent times for His people to know the truth so we can take back what is rightfully ours. Yes the Bible does teach in the last days all things will get worse and worse and evil will advance, but nowhere in the Bible does it say the Church—meaning all Christians—will be subject to or overcome by evil! There is nowhere in the Bible where it says the Church will become victim! In actuality, the Bible teaches because of Jesus the Church in all the New Testament era is triumphant over all evil!
Yet there are vast numbers of genuine born-again Christians, who are preparing for a prolonged season of darkness where they believe they will be sequestered in their homes, as mandated by evil governments, who expect Christ to return in His second coming to rescue them.
Consider with me how this doctrine is nothing less than a defeatist mentality, a fatalistic view of the world and from the Father of all Lies. Instead of solid eschatology, this doctrine is nothing less than victim exit-ology and I believe it is the work of the Devil from within the Church, to wear down the saints and cause us to let go of our true identity in Christ, which prevents us from wielding the authority and power we can display in Christ we can have if we are united. In light of the whole Bible, that exit-ology doctrine does not make sense! I believe this doctrine has been perpetuated by satan and his minions in order to infiltrate and defeat us from within—the same strategy he has used to bring the whole world to the state it’s in today.
As I’ve explored on my podcasts, evil has infiltrated every aspect of life. An evil cabal, or Deep State, has existed in the US government and around the world for hundreds of years. Evil has infiltrated and taken over al the mountains of society, again they are Government, Family, Education, Business/economy, Media, Arts/entertainment and the Church. What we must understand, is this is the same evil that deceived Adam and Eve, and woefully impacted the whole human race. We must understand it’s the same evil that influenced Cain to murder his brother Able. It is the same evil that infiltrated and enticed humanity into ungodly sexual relations that created giants, it’s the same evil that God controlled by sending the worldwide flood in Noah’s day. It’s the same evil that influenced men to build the tower of Babel as led by Noah’s grandson! That’s how fast evil can return and advance through God’s people if we fail to remain diligent in the knowledge of truth!
Now to anyone who has been trying to make sense of our world, especially since the onset of COVID-19 and the gross tyranny and mandates that the whole world endured, learning about the people who have, for hundreds of years covertly sought to gain complete authority and power over the earth and the people, you should see a pattern. You should see the same pattern or strategy used by satan against Adam and Eve, used on the people of the world through the ages to this very day. It’s incredible to me that God’s people can be aware of satan and know of his evil strategies, and still be deceived by him and his evil minions!
We have to see evil for what it is—a rampant, unrelenting effort of satan and his minions who continuously work to deceive, capture and enslave mankind to gain all authority, power and control through any and every evil means necessary. Satan’s goal to dethrone God has never changed, even though he is already a defeated foe. We must fully understand and pursue knowledge and truth, but more, we must act upon it or we make a complete mockery of the Cross of Christ.
God wants us, His people, to understand our ignorance and gullibility has made us easy prey for the enemy to deceive us, which is much more serious than the days of the Old Testament. Why? Because in the New Testament Jesus has already paid the ultimate and complete price and has utterly destroyed the enemy. The victory was and is 100% through the birth, life, death-blood and resurrection of Jesus. For this reason, our allowing evil to flourish as it has, is nothing less than our allowing the Cross of Christ and all Jesus has done to be desecrated.
In this New Testament era, Christ has given us all His authority and power over all the schemes of the enemy (Luke 10:19). God has given us the compete volume of His written word with the Bible. We have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth. The resurrection power of Jesus did not reside in the people of the Old Testament—His indwelling power is uniquely ours! This is why the seriousness of the advancement of evil allowed by God’s people in this New Testament era is far greater than any other time.
We have lost the knowledge of our true identity in Christ and as a result the enemy has not only made great inroads, he has managed to try to advance God’s timeline to put himself in position of authority and control long before God’s appointed time. According to the Bible, I don’t believe Christ’s return is to be an event that rescues us as hopeless victims from evil. No! Christ’s birth, life, death and resurrection has already assured we are NOT victims but victors!
Do you understand the very real urgency in this hour? God’s people are also subject to His judgment. In fact, those of us who know the truth are actually held to a higher standard—a higher accountability to uphold truth! It is imperative we understand this and without delay in this hour. What do we do with Jesus’ words in John 14:12, where He said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.”
In the face of the condition of the world today, I found myself asking God in frustration, Where are the greater works we are supposed to be doing? Why don’t we see Christians displaying the authority and power Christ has given us so that we can do the greater works and push evil back where it belongs? Why don’t we see the victory of Christ evident in these present days? And I clearly heard God say, “Lack of knowledge.”
So my second sub-point is for us to:
Understand the seriousness of lack of knowledge, ignorance, and apathy, and for us to repent and commit to boldly acting on the truth,
by reengaging with the culture to be the Ekklesia we are called and equipped to be.
Through prayer, studying the Word and listening to several of our modern-day prophets, let me now share where I understand us to be on God’s timeline. I don’t believe we are living in the end of the end times, because I don’t believe Christ’s return is to be an event that rescues us as hopeless victims from evil. On the contrary, I believe Christ’s birth, life, death and resurrection has already assured we are NOT victims but victors in every way and God is expecting us to step in to our rightful place of authority and power in these days of His Kingdom. I believe Christ’s return will be to snatch His faithful and victorious people away before the last of the End Times when the tribulation is the greatest. If I’m wrong, it means that Jesus’ second coming is much sooner than I think and either way I want to be ready in my devotion and obedience to Christ for what He asks to do today. We all need to be doing our best to hear from God today and respond in obedience today as He wants us to today and leave tomorrow for Him to reveal, when the time comes for us to know.
You know the reason God does not tell us the specific time or hour of different events is so we seek Him, so we press in to know more, so we live by faith, which allows us to experience all the many promised benefits of living by faith. As I’ve said many times on my podcast, I don’t believe we are living in the end of the end times, but this is something you need to study for yourself. I do believe however we have been living in a foreshadow, giving us a taste of what the End Times will be like.
Since early 2020 I have believed God will take us through three and a half years, from Spring 2020 to the Fall of 2023, and at the end of this time, we will experience God’s unprecedented intervention to restore the Church and His Kingdom-will on earth. I have believed this from my own personal study and have recently heard many of our moder-day well-respected prophets echo the same.
What I believe and have openly shared is that Purim, which occurred in March of this year, was the start of seeing God’s justice and judgement, and that the people of the world would continue to be awakened to truths through Pentecost, which was in May. Then from May through the summer months and into the Fall I believe God’s intervention would become evident, with expectations that around Rosh Hashanah, which is late September, God will reveal more shocking truths and very clearly demonstrate He is dealing with evil according to His righteous judgment and justice. I have said all this before and that we are going to experience both great and terrible times in ways the world has never before known.
Now, let me share with you some of the views of our current-day, well-respected prophets.
Of the Times and Season: Barry Wunsch known as the Canadian Prophet was recently on this podcast also said he sees things becoming far worse before the autumn months, with the fall highlighted by God as a time when we’ll see His unprecedented intervention. https://www.charismapodcastnetwork.com/show/faithtoliveby/6f46e8da-5656-412d-90f4-6e5d6095fbdd/God-is-in-Control-of-the-World%3B-We-are-in-Charge-of-our-Lives and https://www.charismapodcastnetwork.com/show/faithtoliveby/14bc4582-ea86-42f5-9698-d42de6766637/God-is-in-Control-of-the-World%3B-We-are-in-Charge-of-our-Lives—Part-Two
Tim Sheets was recently on Elijah Streams https://www.elijahstreams.com/watch/watch.php?ID=1383 and he stated He’s sees the months of June, July and August as anointed months to rapidly grow what he calls reformation seeds by our declarations of faith, expecting we are soon to enter a new Kingdom time. Tim prophesied great shakings stating they have begun and we can expect them to continue through September. Tim expressed God is ReSetting individual lives and the personal history of His people and the national history of America. Tim said God is working to restore His Ekklesia—the Church–to the place of prominence, authority and power always intended. Tim encouraged us to embrace the Great Reset God has planned—not the great reset the enemy has planned.
On 6/29/2023 Julie Green posted a prophetic word titled “A Great Darkness is Coming.” In summary, God warned us to prepare our homes, that a gross and dense darkness will fill this earth and it will seem evil is growing out of control. But God said the shaking and the darkness are the times He will lock us in our homes for our safety, to lock us away from the angel of death and from His hand of great judgment that will be moving across this earth. In the prophecy God said, “My children you are about to see my vengeance, not my wrath—that’s not for now. I have seen the evil in governments, but I have also seen evil in congregations—in Churches and in Pastors that were leading My sheep into a gross darkness of liberal progressiveness. A progression that grew so dark all throughout the Body of Christ. And that’s why no one was using their authority in My name that I have given. No one knew what My written word actually says. There’s been a small few who knew, who spoke these words who were teaching My authority who were teaching about the blood covenant. That’s the reason why you see so much evil—the evil that has it’s day—It won’t stay. Believe Me my children it won’t stay. This is my day to show the world who I am—who I really am. That I am a God of justice and vengeance and protection of my people. This is an opportunity when everything goes dark where My children will see My light. They will see Me as their provider, their Healer, their Protector, their Deliverer. No matter what it looks like, I promise you the evil regime and the evil governments are being removed—every last one of them. As there is a darkness growing, I will shine My light upon My people and it will grow a glory upon this earth never known to mankind like this. Where the world seems like it’s in chaos and the finances seem to be stripped away and you don’t know what’s going on, this is part of my transfer. One day you’ll have your bank accounts look one way and the next it will look another way. Get prepared to see how big I am! This is not for your own wealth and riches. This is for you to be My vessels I’ve called you to be.”
Then, Julie Green also posted another prophesy on 6/30/2023 titled “The Great Return” and I loosely quote, “A great return is coming-a return to the King, a return to morality, a return to freedom and justice, a return to a great and mighty nation, a return of the rightful President, a return of the powerful body of Christ, a return of peace, truth and My glory upon this earth. A return of power in the hands of those it belongs to and out of the hands of the wicked, a return of My children to My land and into My authority, a return of children and of families and of wealth, jobs, inventions, rightful governments and more. I have chosen a return of a Great and mighty nation, not the twisted version your enemies have wanted you to see. Expect a great return of miracles, signs and wonders, a great return back to me the Most High God—a return of people back to their first love which is My Son. A return of congregations to the rightful pastors. A return of wealth, health and freedom in your mind and a return to the right way of thinking. My children it is time of the Greater Exodus which is a return from how things have been to where they should have been all along. It’s coming so be prepared. Get ready to move quickly—to stand, fight and receive. Rejoice in this Great Return. It’s not if it will happen. It will happen! This is guaranteed because I have guaranteed it. END https://rumble.com/user/JulieGreenMinistries
Of the Laws, or God’s instructions for us today: Julie Green posted on July 10, 2023 a prophetic word where in summary, God emphatically said: Have an ownership mentality of the earth and everything in it. The enemy is trying the Global Reset to take out once and for all anything and anyone in their way. But I have a great and mighty army. I have the children of the Most High God. You are in this earth for such as time a this to take back what rightfully belongs to you. Business, land, economy, children, marriages, everything belongs in the hands of My children in My authority that I have given to you NOT in the hands of the wicked. Ask Me, and I’ll give you the exact worlds to say so you can start taking it all back. I’m telling you to take it back. Take back your health, and the well-being of your mind. Take back ownership of all Jesus has already died and paid the price for. I’m expecting you to take it back. I’m expecting you to take authority I have given you and use it, and watch and see things change.”
And through Robin Bullock, God has instructed us to prophesy into the void–to speak aloud repeatedly and with great boldness and authority the words of John 1:1-14. Make a point of studying these verses again to be reminded of all you are in Christ. I’ll highlight verses 11-13: [Jesus] came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. END QUOTE.
As believers we are children of God, co-laborers with Christ, Ambassadors for Christ, able to do not only what He did but greater works because there are many more of us today!
Robbin Bullock tells us to use God’s Word to decree and declare the enemy cannot prevail! He instructs us to demand the time back! And to declare that we want 2020 fixed! We want everything the enemy has stolen to us to be repaid seven-fold! https://www.elijahstreams.com/watch/watch.php?ID=1386 And he, like Julie Green encourage us to speak our decrees and declarations aloud, with all the boldness we have as Children of the Most-High God with all the authority and power of Jesus that He has given to us! https://www.elijahstreams.com/watch/watch.php?ID=1386
I hope none of you still believe the Church is a weak victim, in need of God to rescue us. Understand, He won’t rescue us from our own ignorance and apathy, because, Jesus already did that with His first coming. Yes, in the last days, evil and all darkness will increase but there is nowhere in the Bible where it says evil will ever outpace the victory Christ died to give us. At this point on God’s timeline, Jesus is looking for a victorious Bride without spot or wrinkle, a Bride who demonstrates obedient faith, and by doing so she makes herself ready. If we want to usher in Christ’s return, then we must obey God who has clearly and sternly stated, He wants us to take back what is rightfully ours, in the name, authority and power of Christ Jesus.
Then, I led the women in prayers we said aloud to put all entities on notice of our decrees and declarations according to the power and authority we have in Christ. I suggest you use the following as a guideline to do the same. Pray what you see below and add to each section that which is specific to your concerns.
Father, God, we didn’t know. There was so much we didn’t know. Much of our Church leadership has not taught us what we need to know. Oh, Father forgive us. With the full Bible and the indwelling of Holy Spirit, we have every ability to know the truth, regardless of what our Church leaders do. Thank You for all You have brought us through these past three and a half years. By your grace we have been caused to wake up to the truth of the advancement of evil in this world, and our responsibility in it all. Lord, we are awake to this truth now and we thank You for bringing us the knowledge and understanding we lacked. We repent Father, wanting very much for you to hear our prayers, heal out land, and also our hearts and minds that we become the bold, victorious warriors we are to be in Christ. In the authority and power of Jesus Christ, we agree and boldly declare and decree we are fully surrendered to You, and stand against the enemy in resistance, therefore the enemy must flee. We call down every evil effort of the enemy against us, according to Your stern instructions. We refuse to believe the lies of the enemy and instead choose to be firmly focused on You and Your word. We will not give into fear or dread, because we know who we are in Christ Jesus. We know greater is He who lives in us than he who is in the world so we will not be overcome. We deny all evil reports and focus on what You say. We decree and declare with all the authority of Christ over all the schemes of the enemy.
For the Ekklesia we decree and declare:
- Apathy and ignorance in the Church, be gone!
- Church leadership that has failed to obey You Holy Spirit, to repent and be restored or remove from their positions of influence.
- For the Ekklesia to be restored to the governing influence over society it was meant to be.
For our nations we decree and declare:
- Evil people in governments and positions of influence repent or be removed from your positions!
- We speak to the righteous men and women who have been called by God to serve in positions of leadership and influence to take their rightful place without any hinderance of the enemy.
- Christians in the nations around the world, rise up and take back your nation for the nations are Christ’s inheritance!
For our communities we decree and declare:
- All ungodly spirits and instructions in our public schools and libraries to be bound and for righteousness to be restored.
- All men and women in positions of civic leadership to be righteous in their duties, and if not to be removed from their positions.
- The ills of society such as homelessness, human trafficking, crime, mental illness, and the like to be properly addressed and corrected.
For ourselves and loved ones we decree and declare:
- Radical surrendered salvation for all of our loved ones.
- Sickness and disease be gone!
- Orphan and poverty spirit be gone!
- Financial lack and strained job opportunities be gone!
- Destructive marriage and family issues, be gone!
- Destructive addictions and habits, be gone!
- Lying spirits that have attempted to defeat our children, be gone!
- Spirits of sexual perversions of all types, be gone!
Father, humbly we acknowledge You have appointed us to be alive in these very days. We have a unique, privileged opportunity to partner with You in what is expected to be the greatest move You will make in all the history of the world. We thank You for waking us up to be part of it! Father, we make all these decrees and declarations in unity before all entities today, because we want to partner with You to see Your Kingdom will done on earth as it is in heaven. We raise our voices in jubilant celebration even now because of the power in our words as Your children, and the victories You have ordained for us even in these dark days. Thank You for Your many prophecies, directing and reassuring us that the evil before us today will not remain tomorrow, Amen.
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Great word Pamela!!