Tomb Empty With Shroud And Crucifixion At Sunrise – Resurrection Of Jesus
In my lifetime, the darkness of evil and corruption have never been more evident than today. While this has struck fear in the hearts of those who do not know God, for those of us who do, it should produce joy. Certainly not joy over the evil, but joy over the fact that God has repeatedly demonstrated His power and authority over evil. The most prominent being the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. In this season of Passover and Easter, let us properly reflect on the goodness of God and His faithfulness to deliver us in our times of need.
While the enemy has worked to advance his wicked, oppressive, and destructive kingdom on earth, God has been observing and intervening from heaven. In His supreme wisdom and power, God has allowed the enemy to think he has gained the upper hand with intent of powerfully acting at the precise time and perfect manner.
Prophets have likened our modern-day plight to that of God’s people, the Hebrews, as the book of Exodus recounts. Let’s gain some understanding of why and what we must learn from the historical Exodus for our circumstances today.
The early nation of Israel was recognized as a people who kept themselves a distinct race, having nothing in common with the Egyptians in customs or religion and in this way they retained the knowledge of the Lord.1 However over time, after the death of Joseph, they slowly adopted many of the customs and cultures of the Egyptians. Living in houses rather than being a nomadic people, the Israelites who became known as Hebrews were becoming very much like th Egyptians, adopting their customs and entertaining their gods.
Because the Hebrews were rapidly multiplying, Pharaoh, who ruled Egypt, feared they would outnumber the Egyptians and take over his land. For this reason Pharaoh enslaved the Hebrews and oppressed them before they grew too powerful. He limited the personal freedom of the Hebrews, put heavy taxes on them, and recruited their men into forced labor battalions under the supervision of harsh taskmasters. But the more the Egyptians oppressed them and the harder restrictions were imposed upon them, the more the children of Israel increased and multiplied.
Finally, in effort to control the population of the Hebrews, Pharaoh decreed every first-born male child of the Israelites to be killed. Pharaoh gave orders to the midwives that every first-born son shall cast into the Nile river. By this edict, untold numbers of Hebrew male babies would be killed.
Knowing the evil Pharaoh’s plans, God had prepared Moses to be born at the precise time he was. Moses’ parents recognized the child as “fair unto God” and no doubt inpspired by God Moses’ mother and father instructed Moses’ older sister, Miriam, to place Moses in a basket and float him in the Nile with hopes his life would be spared. Pharaoh’s own daughter discovered the baby and recognized him to be a Hebrew child because of cloth the babe was wrapped in. Miriam, seeing what had happened, approached Pharaoh’s daughter, asking if the princess would like her to fetch a nurse from among the Hebrew women? In response to the princess, Miriam brought Jochabed, Moses’ own mother to the palace to nurse the baby who would be raised as the child of the princess. Until he was weaned Jochabed taught her son of his vast Hebrew heritage. His early impressions of the God of his fathers would be of a real, true, living God, who spoke, and acted, loved and cared for His people. From his early childhood, he would know that the gods of Egypt were but myths and shadows; and so, above all the learning he would get in the Egyptian schools, there was the mightier influence of the God his mother knew, to deliver him from superstition and error, and certainly he learned early to know God for himself.
As the son of the princess, Moses was raised as an Egyptian royal, well educated in all their laws and customs. He observed the harsh treatment the Hebrews were subject to as slaves to Pharaoh. Ultimately in response to God’s call on his life Moses returned to set his people free. Moses was raised up by God to be the deliverer of God’s people. The Hebrew people were enslaved for over 400 years when God, working through Moses demonstrated His plan to free His people. God sent ten plagues, one at a time with the intent of convincing Pharaoh to release God’s people. The plagues reigned down of the Egyptians but did not harm the Hebrews living in the same land. But, instead of Pharaoh realizing the power and sovereignty of the God of the Hebrews, Pharaoh hardened his heart more with each plague. The tenth and final plague was the death of the first born mail child from each family.
To spare His own people, God instructed the Hebrews to prepare a specific meal, and to eat it dressed ready to depart at any moment. He also instructed them to place the blood of the lamb they slaughtered for the evening meal, on the doorposts of their homes. This unusual request from Yahweh-God, is worth understanding. The Egyptians built all their houses out of temporary materials of mud and straw. The only stone aspect to the houses was the doorposts at the entry. The Hebrews by this time had adopted many of the customs of the Egyptians who inscribed their names on the stone doorposts as a declaration of eternal life. Therefore, when God had His people place the blood of the lamb on the doorposts of their homes, they literally covered their own name with the blood of the lamb–a foreshadow of the Lamb of God who would shed His blood for anyone who willingly submit themselves to the Lamb–Jesus.
As God promised, the death angel of the tenth plague roamed through the communities and the first born male of all homes that did not have the blood of the lamb painted on their door posts, was taken. In this Pharaoh’s own first-born son was subjected to death.
This was the point in time when Pharaoh, relented and allowed the Hebrews to leave. After 430 years in slavery scholars estimate the number of the Hebrews embarking on the exodus was anywhere from 70 to 2 million people. Through Moses, God set His people free and led them out of Egypt with the Egyptians giving them all sorts of gold and more essentially paying them to leave. Then as they traveled, they realized Pharaoh had sent his army after them to hunt them down. The Hebrews found themselves up against the Red Sea with Pharaoh’s army in hot pursuit. Fear gripped the entire Hebrew people and they began to turn against Moses. When all looked impossible and that the entire Hebew people would be wiped out, God miraculously parted the waters of the Red Sea allowing the Hebrews to travel through on dry ground. When all the Hebrews reached the other bank, God ordered the waters to collapse thereby drowning all the Egyptians who pursued the Hebrews along with their horses and chariots .
Why do the prophets liken our times to that of the first Passover and Exodus? Consider the following:
- Americans have been a distinct people who worshipped God whole heartedly seeking God to govern us. Over time however, after the death of a few God-fearing leaders, Americans have fallen away from their faithful commitment to God and become reliant instead upon government and themselves.
- Pharaoh of our day is known as the Cabal, a self-appointed elite people who do not fear or believe in God. Wanting to maintain control over us they have burdened us with heavy taxes, seeing us as their source for their own wealth and power.
- Fearing we could grow in numbers able to displace them, they legalized abortion, have sought to remove our gun rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and more.
- God has been keenly aware of all the enemy of God is doing through the Cabal, and has continually planned the timing of the birth of different individuals to become leaders the centuries. He has strategically eleveated them at the proper times to call His people back to proper worship of Him.
- COVID-19 has been a plague that’s impacted the entire world, as a scheme of the enemy to advance the Cabal. However, God has been intervening in such a way that His people are waking up to the truth and calling out to God for help, consistent with 2 Chronicles 7:14.
- In response, God has been exposing the corruption, which reveals the truth, allowing even more people to come to the truth of the existence of God and the existence of satan.
- As we have cried out to God to deliver us, He is organizing all matters in preparation for judgment against evil, at the same time allowing time as an extension of His mercy so those who will repent have every opportunity before “He parts the Red Sea.”
What should we be doing in the time of waiting?
- Prayerfully outfit ourselves with the full armor of God adding worship to our time of prayer which is our most potent weapon.
- Pray for those who have been influenced by the enemy of God to realize the danger they are in and to repent and surrender themselves to God through faith in Jesus Christ.
- Thank the Lord for His faithfulness to His people and express your trust for His perfect plan and justice.
- Pray asking the Lord to comfort you and your loved ones and to help you in this time of intense warfare.
- Help comfort others with the truth of God’s existence and His covenant with His people reminding them that the enemy will never win–he is already a defeated foe.
- Keep yourself immersed in truth, and not Main Stream Media or other sources that are censoring truth and reporting deceptions.
- Praise God in advance as a means of demonstrating your faith in Him and His promises.
Exodus chapters 1 and 2
1 Ellen G. White, The Story of Patriarchs and Prophets: As Illustrated in the Lives of Holy Men of Old (Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1958), 242.
Additional Resource: https://www.ministrymagazine.org/archive/2009/09/covered-with-blood.html and https://www.gotquestions.org/Israelites-exodus.html
I spend my working hours entirely on ministry work through this blog, my podcasts, my books and more. It is the deepest desire of my heart that I help others discover and live in the same life-giving truth I have been blessed to find. I hope you will take advantage of all my ministry work to strengthen you in your faith allowing you to be a source of support for others in Jesus’ name. Don’t forget, I invite your comments below and welcome hearing from you any time.
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