“Mommy,” asked the young child, “What was it like to live in freedom where you could say and do what you wanted? I long to go outside and play. I long to see daddy. He’s gone so long every day and when he comes home from the labor camps he’s so exhausted he can’t even play with me. Mommy, will it always be like this? What happened that we lost our freedoms in our country of the United States?”
This is not a far fetched scenario, is it? This past year and more our freedoms as Americans have been grossly limited as those in government seek to limit us, making us subservient to them as they advance their evil, self-serving agenda on the American people. Are you willing to allow this to continue for yourself, your children, and your children’s children?
I have come up with my preferred slogan for the times we live, “Make America Godly Again” and I hope to get a huge following who will echo this slogan and make it a banner under which we operate. It is past time for us to reclaim America, and I hope you will choose to participate in what God is doing in our midst.
As I’ve been sharing on my podcast, what we have seen playing out worldwide since early 2020 is the ancient battle between good and evil. The battle has become so intense that it is no longer done behind the scenes, but right out in the open where it is plain to all who have eyes to see and hears to hear.
I’m grateful more and more are waking to truth, and coming to the realization that we’ve been lied to. We must also admit we have been ill equipped to respond to the times in which we’re living. This is a spiritual battle where God intends us to partner with Him to see His will done on earth as it is in heaven, and we need to quickly learn what we must do.
As I sought the Lord about this, I was reminded of the trend of events over recent decades that have left us in the poor condition we’re in. Think about it with me. In recent decades there’s been:
- A push to silence Christians on every front limiting them to speak truth inside only inside their environment
- A push to prevent Pastors from preaching/teaching about politics or government
- A push to separate church from state with the eventual commonly held belief that the church has no business in government or politics
- A push to take prayer and the pledge of allegiance out of our public schools
- A push to revise American history as taught to public school students
- A push to silence any religious discussions on campuses or in busines environments under the guise of political correctness
- A push for social acceptance of all sorts of beliefs, ideals and practices that are contrary to the word of God under the guise of tolerance
- A push to make popular the notion that truth is relative and not absolute
- A push to increase abortion
- A push to increase belief that humans and the world evolved
- A push to conclude we are racist at heart
- A push to make the notion accepted that the police are the problem
- A push to make gender a choice rather than a biological reality
- A push to cause us to trust and obey government doing what they say especially during this pandemic
- A push to have people accept any man-made EXPERIMENTAL vaccine for a man-made disease.
I’m sure I’ve left some things out, but let me ask you, what do you see in common with all the items on this list—or better stated what do you see as the spirit behind these realities?
At the top of the list the way I’ve intentionally ordered it is “A push to silence Christians on every front limiting them to speak truth inside only inside their environment and a push to prevent Pastors from preaching/teaching about politics or government.” And I believe it has been the acceptance of these top two, that has allowed everything else in the list to take root and grow.
Did you know that from the founding of our nation up to and through the end of the 20th century, elected governmental leaders spoke a great deal about the Bible and Pastors spoke a great deal about politics and government from the pulpits?
Up until the 20th century, Pastors had the leading role in society to help their congregations and the citizens of the nation understand the issues of politics and government. We had a two party system that allowed for civil discourse, debate, and respect for points of view other than our own.
David Barton, founder of Wall Builders wrote the following concerning the earlier times: “Christians knew that we held a dual citizenship – we were indeed citizens of heaven, but we were also citizens of earth. We recognized that God had placed us in a country and given us a stewardship over a government that belonged to “We the People.” Consequently, Pastor’s sermons covered not only the proper role and functions of civil government but also how government should approach certain issues and what God expected of citizens in the selection of our civil leaders”
Let me ask you, when was the last time You heard your Pastor speak boldly from the pulpit about politics and government? I’m not talking about endorsing one candidate over another, I’m talking about the general realities of governmental controls and our freedoms. Of all the people you know, isn’t your church leadership a major trusted source from which You’d willingly receive education on matters of politics and religion?
David Barton also posted an article by George Barna founder of the Barna Research Group, where surveys revealed Christians strongly want their Pastors to provide much more education about politics and government. I have a link to the article in the references provided below.
Why do you suppose the Pastors and Christians in general have accepted the notion that Pastors should not address politics or governmental issues?
Most would cite the Johnson Amendment of 1954 which has since been interpreted as silencing pastors on issues or topics of civil interest. Yet Christians of previous generations would never have submitted to a policy that so egregiously violated not only constitutional rights but our ability to preach according to what the Bible teaches.
We could also site FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency as an imposing force that has authority to “work with” faith based organizations for the benefit of the country under a national emergency such is declared today under COVID-19.
Then there’s the ill-conceived threat of the Church losing its 501c3 tax exempt status if the Pastor discusses politics. This is another widely believed lie. Bea and VendenBerk attorneys as law explains, “Some fear that churches will have to waive their first amendment freedom of speech rights in order to qualify as a 501(c)(3). This fear is unfounded. First, any organization that is properly classified as a church is automatically deemed tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, whether the church has applied for IRS recognition of its 501(c)(3) status or not. Churches may apply for IRS recognition of their exempt status (and receive what is called a “determination letter”), but they are not required to do so.”
Since in America we have a government that is to be run for the people and by the people, the people need to be informed. So, let me ask you again, what spirit do you think has been at work influencing men and women, including many of the Christian faith to be silenced and fearful of addressing specific topics? And more to the point for today, what do you think you should do about this?
Each of us as Believers and Christ followers have responsibility in God’s plan to have His Kingdom done on earth as it is in heaven. Praying is good. We need to pray for God’s intervention. But let us also understand, when God intervenes he largely works through His people. What can you do to make your prayers have impact according to James 2:14-26? Here is a list of suggestions that I hope will encourage you to think of more ways you can become part of God’s work on earth:
- Get this article to your Pastor and Church leaders
- Form a small group to study the Constitution of the United States to know our rights and what we must work to protect for the future of the nation and out children
- Volunteer to hold a class in your church or home to help people study the issues and know how to exercise their rights to have their voice heard
- Hold a Bible study that reveals how current issues are contrary to God’s Word according to 2 Corinthians 10:5
- Conduct a class or seminar to enlighten people how our government works and how each individual has the ability to make a difference
- Recommend the Faith to Live By podcast as a resource to Christian leaders and congregants
https://wallbuilders.com/no-professor-fea-founders-not-want-ministers-stay-politics/ https://wallbuilders.com/the-pulpit-initiative/.
Recommended sources:
And We Know.com
Patriot Street Fighters.com
Pamela Christian is called to be a strong asset to the Church, through teaching, instruction, and prophetic insight. For nearly 30 years she has been active in ministry compassionately helping people discover and live in, life-giving truth. She holds an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from HSBN International Fellowship of Ministries, a certificate in Christian Apologetics from Biola University, is a Bible teacher, keynote speaker, radio and television host and a multiple award-winning author with her Faith to Live By series. In person presentations are what she enjoys most, inquire about booking Pam at www.pamelachristianministries.com
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