Are you among the roughly 60% of Americans who profess to be Christian who don’t experience life any different than an unbeliever?1 Do you want the victory-life Christ died to provide you? It’s yours if you choose to place your faith in Jesus and make Him Lord of your life. It’s not enough to believe that Jesus is who He claimed to be. Even the demons in Hell know Jesus is the Son of God, (James 2:19). A mental assent or belief about Jesus is not the same as a personal reception of Jesus.
Christ lived, suffered more than any other human being ever with the sin of the entire world placed on Him,2 and died, so that by faith in Him as our Savior and Lord we can experience victory even in this fallen world. Savior and Lord–it’s a package deal. And therein, in my considered opinion, lies the reason more self-proclaimed Christians don’t experience life any different than an unbeliever. It goes against our natural self to place anyone in position of Lord over our life. Many people want Jesus as Savior to keep from from Hell. But not as many are willing to allow Him His rightful place as Lord over their life. These are the people I am most concerned about and diligently, and with all compassion, seek to reach.
In my first book in the Faith to Live By series, I state that unless we examine what we believe and why we believe it, we could easily be deceived and not know it. If you have not accepted Jesus as Lord of your life, you have no assurance of escaping Hell. Christ died so that we can exchange our naturally-born sin-filled condition with a supernaturally-reborn sinless condition. Sinless in the sense of God forgiving all your sins, past, present and future. Anyone who believes and receives Jesus as Savior and Lord is justified and accounted as one who has no sin.
Sin separates God’s creatures from Him. God does not want this separation. Movitived by tremendous love, God devised and carried out a plan–a method by which all creation can be restored into a right relationship with Him. I assert that if you truly knew the character, will and intentions of God concerning you, nothing could stop you from believing in Jesus as your Savior and receiving Him as your Lord.
If you truly want the victorious life Christ died to provide you, intentionally seek to know more about God, so that you can, without reservation, enjoy a personal reception of Jesus. A person who has come to believe and receive, is one who is given the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit.3 With this power of God living within, we have what we need to attain victory over any and all circumstances. Learning how to effectively apply God’s power will be the topic of the next blog post, as taken from the second book in my series, Renew Your Hope! Remedy for Personal Breakthroughs.
2) 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 2:24
3) Ephesians 1:14
Pamela Christian is available to present for your church or organization’s next event. If you want to help reach the roughly 60% of Americans who need to personally believe in Jesus as Savior and receive Him as Lord, let’s partner together to reach them. Inquire using our Contact Us form now. Don’t delay, the signs of the time are apparent, Christ’s return is imminent.