The entire world is in chaos. Every nation, every people group, every community is suffering major upheaval. There is not an aspect of society anywhere that is unaffected. What was right is now wrong, and what was wrong is considered right. It’s overwhelming for those who don’t know these days were prophesied long ago, and therefore to be expected. Even for those who knew these days would come, it is tremendously unsettling. We need to find our moorings and make certain we are securely stationed on truth.
Many speak of the Billion Soul Harvest they believe is imminent. Others refer to the Great White Harvest, the End-Time Harvest of Souls, and the Latter Rain Revival. Are these referring to the same event of harvesting souls, or are they different events? What situations or circumstances will precede the Last Days? What signs and realities should we watch for to know we’ve entered the time of the Great White Harvest? What must we do to be prepared? What will happen to those who are not prepared?
Pentecost, as revealed in the book of Acts, was a tremendous and unique display of God’s power and compassion that marked the beginning of the Last Days. After Jesus’ death, He appeared to His disciples, over a period of forty days speaking about the Kingdom of God. Acts 1:4 reads, “And while staying with them, he ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the Father, which he said, ‘you heard from me, for John baptized you with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.’”
While Jesus also appeared to over 500 people, making them witnesses of His resurrected body, the number of disciples He instructed to wait for the baptism of the Holy Spirit was about 120 in number. Not fully understanding what they were waiting for, still they remained in a Jerusalem residence, joined together in an upper room. The baptism of the Holy Spirit came with “a sound of a mighty rushing wind and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:2–4).
Because Pentecost is a celebrated Jewish holiday, the city of Jerusalem was filled with Jewish believers from many other nations on this day. The sound of the commotion among the disciples attracted a multitude to seek out the cause. The multitude were bewildered and astonished because “each one was hearing them speak in his own language.” Men from all over the known world heard the disciples speaking in their native language about the works of God. This miraculous event was the beginning of the End Times, according to the Old Testament prophet Joel. This means we have been living in the Last Days for the past nearly 2,020 years.
Yet, as I observe Christians and the Church at large, I don’t see any evidence of a proper awareness concerning this epic reality. This reminds me of the response of people to Noah in his day, who heard the claims of imminent danger but did not believe. As a result, they perished. It is not God’s desire that any should perish. God has gone to great lengths to provide us prophecy in the Scriptures so we can be prepared to overcome in the impending End Times.
With this book I want to take you through some of the prophecies concerning the End Times in an overview fashion, while exploring the evidence and signs to assist us in reading the times in which we live. I will explore some of the various doctrinal positions on the End Times, and actual historical events that have served as precursors to the Last Days. I will also explore what we can and must do to be prepared for this great and terrible season.
God has not given us the prophecies for us to respond with fear and dread, although a great number of Christians respond that way. God has given us the prophecies for wisdom and insight so we can be prepared to be workers of the harvest—partners with Jesus in harvesting souls into the Kingdom of God.
If we will listen and heed what God has said, we will find ourselves in His protection, able to escape the judgment that is certain to come upon this earth—upon those who refuse to believe. Let’s not be counted among those; instead let us learn all we can to be prepared for the Great White Harvest that will lead to the glorious return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, which means Anointed One.
This book is written for those who hope there is a way of escape from the ever-increasing evil all around. Let me reassure you, dear reader, there is a glorious way of escape; there is a tremendous hope and a future for you if you genuinely seek truth. As we see evil, rebellion, lawlessness, chaos, and every form of wickedness increasing, we are seeing the birth pains of the beginning of the end of this world. Scripture, which for Christians includes both the Old and New Testaments, provides us all the prophetic revelations and promises we need to persevere with the victory of Christ (the Anointed One) Jesus.
The Old Testament refers to the books from Genesis through Malachi and more specifically the Law of Moses which governed God’s people until the New Testament era. The New Testament refers to the period encompassing Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, which fulfilled the Old Testament Law and ushered in God’s grace.
May this book bring confidence and assurance to your soul, while helping you learn how to respond to the great and terrible days that precede the return of Christ.
Listen to Pam’s Podcast connected to this article. Use this link to select your listening platform and choose Show#22, “Understanding Prophecy” which posted 12/2/2020.
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