I have very close friends and relatives who battle with anxiety, worry and dread. Each of these people are well educated and wonderfully intelligent. They know the basis of what they experience is fear. Intellectually, they know the fear is likely to be perceived fear, in contrast to genuine fear. However, for all of us, perception determines what we conclude to be reality, and we mentally and emotionally react accordingly.
The perceived or imagined kind of fear has spiritual roots. Fear (manifest through anxiety, worry and dread), PTSD, depression, suicidal thoughts, bi-polar conditions, and not having peace and joy, are mental and physical conditions the cause of which are caused by spiritual issues.
As is the case for many problems in life, we have both short-term aids and long-term cures available to us. Learning to apply short-term aid, while working towards long-term cure is how to overcome anxiety and all fear-based conditions for good. As explored with Part I of this post, our spiritual condition is the determinant of our potential physical existence. Our thoughts dictate our actions and behavior. It is the plan of God for humanity to overcome all the ravages of sin, which includes sickness and disease by first placing our faith in Christ to transform our spirit, then to actively cooperate with the Holy Spirit of God to transform our minds–the thoughts we maintain and believe as truth.
In my opinion, mere medical and psychological science is limited to managing disease only. However, with the foundation of faith in Jesus, and unwavering confidence in God’s promises, often along with medical/psychological science, we all have the ability to discover cures. If you would like to read testimony from myself and others that support my opinion, to increase your knowledge and hope, please contact me.
Faith is essential for anyone to experience the glorious promises of God. However, the rampantly popular understanding of faith in our culture is woefully inaccurate. Many believe faith is a matter of claiming what one wants to believe, without any necessary connection to reality. This is a twisted definition devised by the enemy of God who intentionally seeks to deceive us and prevent us from accessing the promises and power of God. Understanding true faith that leads to a personal relationship with the One True God (who actually exists and is not a mental/emotional crutch as many claim) places us in position to receive God’s promises and the manifestation of His power.
Our existence on earth includes both material and spiritual realities. There are practical steps people can take that will produce physical benefits, even apart from faith in God. Such steps are simply utilizing the natural laws ordained by God. Some practical steps for short-term or immediate assistance in dealing with fear in any of it’s expressions include:
- Intentional Advance Preparation: If you’re anxious about something that’s going to happen soon, like a test, travel trip or interview, do your homework, ensure you’ve reviewed everything pertinent to the test, travel or interview, and make yourself as smart as possible on the subject at hand.
- Heed Advance Symptoms: When you begin to experience the onset of anxiety, worry, dread or any fear-based response, stop. Make sure you are comfortable, without any physical distractions, and take ten slow and deep breaths with your entire focus on your breathing. Breaths should feel like your filing your lungs up to the very maximum–slowly inhaling then very slowly exhaling. Repeat as needed.
- Adjust Your Physical Tension: Intentionally tighten and then completely relax muscle groups from your toes to your head. Scrunch your toes tightly and hold, then relax. Flex your ankles completely, hold then relax. Tighten your calves, hold then relax. Continue up your body concentrating on these exercises to the top of your head. Tighten your scalp by raising eyebrows, furrowing brows, flexing your ears, and such. Repeat back down your body to your toes if needed.
- Intentionally Replace Unrelenting Thoughts: Since anxiety and related fear-based conditions are mental problems, you have control over whether or not to allow the condition(s) to occupy any space in your mind Fearful thoughts are based on deception. Have ready in advance, specific truths you can repeatedly confess, either aloud or mentally, until you drown out and replace the fearful thoughts. It’s important this step is taken early in the onset of symptoms else the fears increase making logical applications useless. It’s a natural law, no two things can occupy the same space at the same time. Replacing fearful thoughts with truth truly works. If your fear is of getting lost for example, you can claim, “I have a map, a cell phone, and immediate ability to get help. Therefore I cannot get lost.” Knowing specific Bible verses that address common or anticipated fears, is an excellent way to replace mental anguish with truth.
- Create and Interruption as a Diversion: Change your immediate surroundings and/or activity. Go for a walk, run in place, turn on the television, pack your mouth with gum and vigorously chew, pick up the Bible to read and meditate on God’s promises for you. I don’t advise getting behind the wheel of a car or any other activity that could put you or others in danger should your symptoms not respond.
These are just some ways to help you get through the physical realities of fear and its many expressions. Research in advance what appeals to you the most, that you think you can utilize at any given moment to get relief.
In the next edition of this post topic, I will further explore the spiritual component that is needed to go beyond treating the symptoms and engaging a cure.
I began my study on anxiety, out of a deeply held compassion for my loved ones. I wanted to better understand their reality so I could best respond when they experience fear in my presence. I hope to have learned helpful information to post here for them and others to find solutions. I am not a doctor of any kind. Anything written on my blog is strictly opinion and not professional advice of any kind. Readers are expected to do their own due diligence with the hopes that what I write encourages them to do so.
Anxiety, worry and dread, for many people are matters that can be managed and controlled with proper education and practical applications. For others, professional help is needed. If anyone cannot manage the matters on their own, professional help is highly recommended.