If you are under or unemployed and you’ve considered a work-from-home business, make sure you go in with your eyes wide open. It will require hard work and sacrifice and the income won’t be immediate. But for my husband and me, and my friend Karen Beamish and her husband, it’s been the best solution. Like …
Learn about Kathy’s re-released book, Partly Cloudy with Scattered Worries: Finding Peace in All Kinds of Weather (Lighthouse Publishers of the Carolinas). Kathy, explain what your book is about and how we might use it. My book helps women, in particular, to trust God more and thus worry less. It is filled with stories from …
I came across a great article written by MaryEllen Tribby, published in NewsMax MaxLife, October 2013, that may help some who are under or unemployed be inspired with new hope. She tells her story of being a mother of three children ages 10, 8 and 4, when she was faced with the news that she …
Just as having a car accident and then purchasing insurance to cover the repairs won’t work, neither does trying to establish a professional network after loosing your job. You need both securely in place before the need arises. The Department of Labor estimates that 63% of all jobs are secured through networking; other experts quote …
If you don’t know, you need to know about Frank Viola. He’s a clear thinking, sensitive man who works to help others discover the truth about God. Here’s an interview I had with him recently: Frank, I have spent quite a bit of time on your blog where I’ve learned a lot from what …
On September 17, 2013, Kim Laney’s book, “The Hope of Unemployment, 101 stories of Hope” was scheduled for release. Have you ever wondered how on earth you would survive if you lost your job next month? Things have changed drastically and most people will experience a job change, unemployment or a lost job at some …
The vast majority of employers aren’t looking for a warm body that can simply do the job. Those that are don’t deserve you time or attention. You are not a number–you are far more valuable than that and you have what your next employer needs. But how can you convey that on your first interview …
I’ve known of an organization called Numbers USA that seeks to have immigration reform. My years of following their efforts allows me to conclude they are well rounded. Today they posted: “It’s bad enough that 20 million Americans can’t find a full-time job, but it’s downright horrendous that one in four Hispanic Americans live in …
Originally posted 2011 Congress’ inability to agree over various fiscal matters has existed long before this so-called “Fiscal Cliff Crisis.” The horrendous situation we are in today has been decades in the making. A crisis this long in the making is not going to be resolved in a “one day return from holiday sacrifice” by …
Repost – Originally posted 2011 I read a disturbing article today in Bloomberg Business week, “The Slow Disappearance of the American Working Man.” This reality is disturbing on many levels, the greatest being the impact this has on family leadership. I am not a fan of the destruction the feminist movement has had on the …