Hope for the Under and Unemployed
I read a disturbing article today in Bloomberg Businessweek, “The Slow Disappearance of the American Working Man.” This reality is disturbing on many levels, the greatest being the impact this has on family leadership. I am not a fan of the destruction the feminist movement has had on the image and treatment of men in our … My husband, a six-figure income earner, lost his job in the early 90’s when the economy was bad because of the illegal actions of the project’s financial partner. We’ve suffered bouts of under and unemployment ever since. We truly know what it’s like and that’s why I am a hard-working advocate for those under and … While over 26 million workers, along with their families suffer the far reaching pain of under and unemployment, President Obama spoke from the White House Rose Garden, calling the August 2010 jobs report increase from 9.5 to 9.6 percent, “positive news.” “The Bureau of Labor Statistics, which issued the report, says it strives to issue …