Hope for the Under and Unemployed
The President and media continue to claim that the economy and job markets are improved. Just recently President Obama made his appearance in North Carolina to declare our financial progress and convince us that all is well. In reality he’s tyring to do damage control. Why would anyone need to tour the country garnering optimism … Facts don’t lie, people do. The President and media continue to claim that the economy and job markets are improved. Just recently President Obama made his appearance in North Carolina to declare our financial progress and convince us that all is well. In reality he’s trying to do damage control. Why would he need … Protecting the American Dream The following is an Opinion Editorial published in the Christian Examiner January 2010 www.christianexaminer.com which I wrote. Please read it and give me your feed back. Simply The best way to reverse an economic recession is to create jobs from and for the private sector. Government leaders don’t understand [or possibly don’t …