Hope for the Under and Unemployed
Orange County, CA – January 14, 2010 Every day that a person does not find employment, results in much more than financial loss. Mental, emotional and physical stress, serious marriage, family and relational strains, foreclosure, divorce and even suicide are byproducts of under and unemployment. Pam Christian knows first hand that under and unemployment brings … Many, if not most, credit counseling services are designed to reduce the consumer’s debt by settling with creditors. This results in increased costs for goods and services for everyone as the creditors seek to offset their losses. It’s plain wrong for the majority who repay their debt to be penalized by higher costs generated by … We know what it is to be under and unemployed and how saving money is critical. When my husband was unemployed, we naturally cut back on any and all extras. Only then did we realize the amount of excess spending we’d been doing. That’s when I vowed I would be financially frugal no matter how …