Hope for the Under and Unemployed
Repost – Originally posted 2010 Searching for employment today is overwhelming and exceedingly impersonal. Let’s change that! Use this blog as a place to share what you learn that can be of help to others. With 21.1 applicants for every single job opening, we need all the help we can get. The best way to … The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) from 1986 provides continuation of group health coverage that would otherwise be terminated, such as when a person’s employment is involuntary terminated. While the idea of continuing group health coverage is great, the financial ability for the person laid-off often prohibits maintaining the coverage. Generally, an … Nice guys don’t necessarily finish last. Consider Rallie Rallis, a home business advisor. He’s been working with men and women for years, helping them succeed in business. And in this economic and job market, he’s busier than ever. When asked what people do in this market, he replied, “I recommend that people find an alternate …