Pamela’s Faith Blog
Envision an otherworldly scene where a massive Tree is loaded with an abundance of fruit, and each individual fruit represents a real-life Christian on the planet today. Every single Christian alive today is represented by the fruit. Well-known Christian leaders, singers, musicians, teachers, prophets, evangelists, pastors, apostles, laymen, children, workplace Christians, every day Christians–each and …
The familiar adage, “History repeats itself” has taken on new meaning for me since early 2020, in light of world events. I wondered, Why would God allow history to be repeated, unless earlier events were intended to prepare God’s people for what lies ahead? It’s one thing to learn from history, but quite another to …
In my lifetime, the darkness of evil and corruption have never been more evident than today. While this has struck fear in the hearts of those who do not know God, for those of us who do, it should produce joy. Certainly not joy over the evil, but joy over the fact that God …