Pamela’s Faith Blog
The second book in my Faith to Live By series is Renew Your Hope! Remedy for Personal Breakthroughs. What I seek to accomplish with this book is to help Believers in Jesus, demonstrate faith that moves mountains. A key component to wielding effective faith, is possessing a confidence of who we are in Christ. The following is …
Every day we make decisions. Depending on the circumstances, some will be minor decisions, while others can impact our entire life. When it comes to life-impacting decisions, it is especially important that we know how to discern truth. When I travel and speak, I most always ask, “Who in this room wants to live your …
We have not because we ask not, or because we ask amis, as we read in James Chapter 4. Yet God longs to lavish His love and many blessins upon us in this life, and particularly in this New Year. Are you prepared to receive? I have long regarded the time between the Jewish New …