Pamela’s Faith Blog
I’ve always wondered why Autumn is my favorite time of year. I feel more optimistic in the Fall than any other time of year. From my western mindset it doesn’t make sense. Fall is the time of harvest and ingathering. In the western culture, Fall is a time of winding down and prepare for the …
Pamela Christian – Saturday, August 15, 2015 God is always gracious to warn His own before any situation, not wanting us to be caught off guard. Over many years of reading the Elijah List, I have come to trust the content. With that in mind, I share recent warnings. If you haven’t heard about the blood …
Pamela Christian – Wednesday, July 15, 2015 I propose that what we think dictates our every action. Our feelings may cause us to question what we think, but what we think determines what we do. If my thinking is based on faulty information then what I believe to be true is not. And I’ve discovered that many people are doing …