Pamela’s Faith Blog
Pamela Christian – June 13, 2015 When I came to a crisis in life that caused me to question everything I had ever been taught, I began with the question, What is truth? Many claim that truth is relative. What is true for them is their truth and what I claim to be true is …
Are you among the roughly 60% of Americans who profess to be Christian who don’t experience life any different than an unbeliever?1 Do you want the victory-life Christ died to provide you? It’s yours if you choose to place your faith in Jesus and make Him Lord of your life. It’s not enough to believe that Jesus …
If I could provide you a way to overcome your personal sufferings would you receive it? If you are willing to examine your faith to make certain your life is based on truth, you can conquer your sufferings. But understand, to overcome life’s adversities depends on the the disposition of your will. The human will …