Pamela’s Faith Blog
Oh Come Let Us Adore Him! Pamela Christian – Monday, December 15, 2014 People of all faiths, and those who claim to have none, have adopted the traditions of Christmas. Christmas in America has been relegated to a family holiday centered around meaningless festivities, bountiful feasts and other self-indulgences. With reflection on the real-life benevolent known …
Generosity is the penicillin to entitlement.[1] Apathy is the result of discouraging engagement.[2] Humility is a demonstration of love.[3] The significance of a national holiday for Thanksgiving is the resulting awareness of our human tendency toward selfishness. What other time of year are we more keenly aware of the needs and plight of others? …
I consider myself a Charismatic Apologist. I also consider myself a Continuationist as opposed to a Cessationist. Cessationists basically and generally believe that the supernatural gifts recorded in Scripture ceased at the end of the age of the Apostles, or with the death of the Apostle John. Continuationists basically and generally believe that the supernatural …