Pamela’s Faith Blog
Life has a way of beating us down and eroding our optimism. Whether it is due to intermittent seasons of adversity and recovery or a long haul with little to no reprieve, each of us fight the battle of hope. Finding hope is especially difficult when we endure troubles that come to us through no …
This post is a plea to those who sincerely profess the Christian faith to wake up, put on the full armor of God and take your place on the battle field. The enemy of God has made tremendous inroads in America. Look at the condition of the lives of those who profess to be …
What would you say if someone asked you “Why study the Bible?” Consider that their mind-set is that the Bible is no different from any other document of religious authority, and that all such documents are equal. Are you prepared to help them become convinced that the Bible is distinctly unique? How did the many …