Pamela’s Faith Blog
Many of our modern-day Christmas traditions have been born out of sheer merchandising. Considering Jesus’ anger expressed in the temple over the money changers’ swindling the people, I can’t help but wonder how He feels about how we celebrate His earthly birth. With that in mind, drawing on my imagination of the Biblical account of …
Speaking for a wonderful group of women from the Delta Community Presbyterian Church, I noticed the transformation of every face when I shared about Biblical hope. Biblical hope is a certain expectation for a matter or promise to be fulfilled. If you have thoughts of doubt or fear concerning what you’re hoping for, then you …
I recently served as Keynote speaker for a woman’s group. What follows is the crux of the message that the Holy Spirit helped me develop–a message that powerfully impacted the women in attendance. I hope it blesses you the same way. One premise that we all need to understand is: God’s love is unconditional, but His …