March 1, 2019 – Introduction The Advent of Easter by Pamela Christian—Copyright © 2019 The true meaning of our holy days has become grossly distorted by commercialism. For this reason, I’ve set out to help us focus on the most glorious event in all history—the life, death and resurrection of Jesus—with a proper reverence and …
Ask the title question of anyone and they will mostly likely reply, “Yes! Who would willingly live in delusion?” Makes sense. However, the fact that a person believes they live in reality does not make it so. Understand, deception is a delusion a person can be subject to, without knowing they are. The very nature …
This is my Word for Wednesday: Mark 9:20-29 is a passage worthy of deeper study. What is often taught is “this type of unclean spirit” cannot come out except for prayer and fasting. However, I’m convinced, with proper study, the focus in this passage is on “unbelief” not the unclean spirit. The father of the …
Kent Healy agrees with my title premise stating, “a lack of information and/or inaccurate information perpetuates fear, doubt, and stupid behavior.”1 I’ll add, fear, doubt, and stupid behavior are not the goals of the Christian faith. Yet, among those in America who profess to be Christians, we have many who are ignorant, operating under misinformation, or …
All the Promises of God are “Yes” and “Amen” As we come to the close of yet another year, Our past is behind us and our future is near. Whatever is behind that brings pain or remorse, Must be laid by faith at the foot of the Cross. Look to the new year as …
Did you know the word Christmas as an exclamation expresses surprise, distress or despair? Isn’t that fascinating! Culturally, Christmas is promoted with shiny, glittery, alluring “must-have” items, images of friends and family joyously celebrating together, glorious tablescapes replete with special occasion foods preserved only for this special time of year. Worldly cares seem to be non-existent with …
The entire world is in chaos. Every nation, every people group, every community is suffering major upheaval. There is not an aspect of society anywhere that is unaffected. What was right is now wrong, and what was wrong is considered right. It’s overwhelming for those who don’t know these days were prophesied long ago, and …
I have to imagine you feel the same as I do. Each day I read another story about violence against police, elected officials deliberately interfering with the proper course of government, schools passing transgender mandate that girls and boys must shower together. Even as I am writing this I received an alert on my phone …
Compromise is two-sided by way of definition: 1) Compromise is a means to settle a dispute by mutual concession, to basically meet in the middle of an issue to find a happy medium; 2) Compromise therefore, requires the acceptance of standards that are lower than desirable, or less than the considered ideal. Compromise requires both …
God Is in Charge of His Glory—NOT You! by Kathy Collard Miller This is good news: God is in charge of his glory—NOT you! Knowing that has helped me trust God more because I know even my mistakes are useable by God for his glory. I’m not responsible for the growth of a believer or …