I doubt that a single person except Jesus has escaped the devastation soul wounds cause. Soul wounds are the result of sin—either sin we committed, or sin that was committed against us. When sin results in emotional pain, we can become emotionally scarred. However, this kind of scarring is different from a skin scar that …
What if you could have a life mentor to help you avoid many difficult life issues, help you work through problems more successfully, and it cost you nothing? Would you be interested? Well, in a very real sense you can! I am in pre-production for my new television show called Faith to Live By. I …
Kathleen Cooke is releasing a new devotional book and because it’s based on extensive research about engaging the Bible as well as the perspective of someone who’s spent her career in entertainment and media, I thought my readers would be interested in the subject. Here’s an interview I did with her about the project: Pam Christian: …
Welcome! Can you share a little bit about Prayers for Hope and Healing and who will benefit from it? Prayers for Hope and Healing is a devotional gift book with a heavy emphasis on prayer. It connects readers with God as they go through health challenges, offering specific prayers for the most common emotions and …
I think most have heard the adage, “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.” A similar quote found in Scripture is, “Whoever is not with Me is against Me, and whoever does not gather with Me scatters, (words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 12:30). Yet, as we look at our profoundly …
Are you among the many people today, who have a nagging sense that there’s got to be more to life than what you’re experiencing? The extent of anxiety and dissatisfaction sadly expressed through violence and protests reveals we are a society searching for answers, without a compass to guide us. It’s understandable given the decades …
With Part Three of The Great American Divide, I offer my considerations regarding what “we the people” can do to restore our nation. To help us understand how we’ve come to suffer such hostility and division, I conclude this three-part blog with a focus on respect. Respect is an essential element in any civil society. When …
As stated in Part One of this article, if we can have meaningful and respectful dialogue, we have a chance at bridging the divide in our country. It is my considered opinion that the great American divide has been fueled by politics. Politics is defined as the art or science of governing with concern for …
The results of the United States 2016 Presidential election have undeniably sent shock waves around the world, the impact of which we are only beginning to feel, and we will continue to feel for many years to come. Without a Biblical worldview, it would be impossible to see this major shifting as anything other than …
Many of our modern-day Christmas traditions have been born out of sheer merchandising. Considering Jesus’ anger expressed in the temple over the money changers’ swindling the people, I can’t help but wonder how He feels about how we celebrate His earthly birth. With that in mind, drawing on my imagination of the Biblical account of …