Pamela Christian – Wednesday, July 15, 2015 I propose that what we think dictates our every action. Our feelings may cause us to question what we think, but what we think determines what we do. If my thinking is based on faulty information then what I believe to be true is not. And I’ve discovered that many people are doing …
Pamela Christian – June 13, 2015 When I came to a crisis in life that caused me to question everything I had ever been taught, I began with the question, What is truth? Many claim that truth is relative. What is true for them is their truth and what I claim to be true is …
Are you among the roughly 60% of Americans who profess to be Christian who don’t experience life any different than an unbeliever?1 Do you want the victory-life Christ died to provide you? It’s yours if you choose to place your faith in Jesus and make Him Lord of your life. It’s not enough to believe that Jesus …
If I could provide you a way to overcome your personal sufferings would you receive it? If you are willing to examine your faith to make certain your life is based on truth, you can conquer your sufferings. But understand, to overcome life’s adversities depends on the the disposition of your will. The human will …
Book Corner Christian Weight Loss Program Pamela Christian – Monday, February 09, 2015 Julie Morris is a colleague of mine who has joined effort with her daughter to develop an truly inspiring and uplifting weight loss method.Guided By Him, to a Thinner Not So Stressed Out You! is the title of their book featured in this post. …
Faith to Live By Pamela Christian Offering Confident Hope Welcome to my world! This is where you and I can spend some meaningful time. With my different blogs I share things I’ve learned that I believe can be of real help for you. I’m all about being your advocate in exploring Christianity, successfully getting …
Considering the times in which we live, with all the terror and violence, religious persecution, tremendous global unrest, world-wide economic and governmental uncertainty–there are many reasons people could feel completely distraught and overwhelmingly hopeless. So here is where I ask you, where do you place your hope? In what or whom do you place your …
Distinctions Unique to Christianity Pamela Christian – Tuesday, February 17, 2015 God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit… How can Christianity claim to believe in One God? The God that Christian’s worship is revealed in Scripture as a trinity of distinct persons. This understanding about God, as revealed in the Christian Bible, is …
Official book recommendation by Pamela Christian: Crosslink Publishing Announces the Release of Christian Apologetics/Evangelism Book Christ-Centered Apologetics: Sharing the Gospel with Evidence by Joel Furches Christ-Centered Apologetics: Sharing the Gospel With Evidence puts the “Christ” back in “Christianity” by arguing that if Jesus was real, then no matter what other arguments critics might bring against …
Oh Come Let Us Adore Him! Pamela Christian – Monday, December 15, 2014 People of all faiths, and those who claim to have none, have adopted the traditions of Christmas. Christmas in America has been relegated to a family holiday centered around meaningless festivities, bountiful feasts and other self-indulgences. With reflection on the real-life benevolent known …