Generosity is the penicillin to entitlement.[1] Apathy is the result of discouraging engagement.[2] Humility is a demonstration of love.[3] The significance of a national holiday for Thanksgiving is the resulting awareness of our human tendency toward selfishness. What other time of year are we more keenly aware of the needs and plight of others? …
I met Jen Ferguson through a writer’s group we both belong to. When I learned of the exceedingly difficult journey she and her husband, Craig, have been on, especially in light of the hundreds of thousands of others affected by addictions, I had to have her post on my Book Corner Blog. Background Story that Inspired …
Battles raging within are the ones you must fight to win… “WHITLEIGH CROMWELL dreamt of a happy life with her newlywed husband. Army Private First Class COLLIER CROMWELL loved God, his wife, and his country, though the military demanded he pay a high cost. When an unexpected deployment during the height of war sends …
I consider myself a Charismatic Apologist. I also consider myself a Continuationist as opposed to a Cessationist. Cessationists basically and generally believe that the supernatural gifts recorded in Scripture ceased at the end of the age of the Apostles, or with the death of the Apostle John. Continuationists basically and generally believe that the supernatural …
The Christian faith is not simply a title or fraternity or social club—though sadly many who profess to be Christian live it out that way. As God intended it, the Christian faith is power to overcome the evil of this world, beginning with one’s personal salvation, which is to be restored into a right relationship …
Life has a way of beating us down and eroding our optimism. Whether it is due to intermittent seasons of adversity and recovery or a long haul with little to no reprieve, each of us fight the battle of holding out for hope. Finding hope is especially difficult when we endure troubles that come to …
Years ago I subscribed to a Christian magazine. A month passed and it never arrived. I called and was told to expect the next month issue. It never came. I called again. Same routine and the third time the magazine was still a no-show. I called again and happened to get connected to the Editor …
I was born with an entrepreneurial/advocate spirit. I remember innocently embarrassing my mother by making homemade items and selling them door to door. That was my first lesson about R&D and QC. It no doubt influenced my shift to service over product industries for my ultimate career selection. I did well in my early career …
I’m especially enjoying writing my second book in the series, Faith to Live By. This book is titled, Renew Your Hope! Remedy for Personal Breakthroughs, and I can’t wait to share it with you! I’m working to have it ready for publication later this year. If you are struggling with anything and need personal breakthroughs …
Life has a way of beating us down and eroding our optimism. Whether it is due to intermittent seasons of adversity and recovery or a long haul with little to no reprieve, each of us fight the battle of hope. Finding hope is especially difficult when we endure troubles that come to us through no …