As an apologetics enthusiast, I eat up anything that provides objective, verifiable evidence in support of the Bible, which in turn validates the Christian Faith. In writing my book Examine Your Faith! Finding Truth in a World of Lies, I thoroughly enjoyed writing about the extensive extra-biblical, historical and archeological evidence which validates specific claims in …
The first few days of October, in preparation for a message I was to bring to the Huntington Beach Women’s Aglow Lighthouse, I sought the Lord for a fresh word. What He gave me was powerful and when presented on October 6th, the Holy Spirit had clearly arrested the hearts and minds of those …
What looks like political opposition, anarchy and terrorism is actually the enemy of God seeking to destroy anything he can–especially all that is important to God. What we are witnessing is the battle between evil and righteousness. While COVID-19 has impacted the world giving ample opportunity for fear-mongering, God is at work exposing the corruption …
Father, I pray in all earnest for Your people to wake up, and rise up, and shout the truth from the roof tops. We desperately need to see Your will done on earth as it is in heaven, and we intentionally unite in worship, which is the greatest weapon of spiritual warfare we have. Hear …
In my prayer time this morning the Lord dictated this message for me to post and for you to judge: “What I am about to do in this nation, this great nation of America which I love, will cause heads to spin and there will be no denying it was My hand, the very …
Finding hope when everything comes against hope can only be accomplished if we focus on truth. Jesus’ words, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” have never been more significant than they are today amidst the tremendous chaos and anarchy we’ve experienced. Many are having difficulty getting their heads around …
A Prophetic Word to be Judged I’ve had several unusual dreams as of late that seem prophetic in nature. The dream I had this morning most definitely is prophetic based on the inner witness of the Holy Spirit. Note the date is 5/10/2020. The number 5 represents God’s grace. Today’s date consists entirely of multiples …
The mood around the world is somber as many people grieve the loss of loved ones–victims of the coronavirus. It’s incomprehensible to realize a virus has spread worldwide causing people around the glob to shelter in place–at least those who can. We are suddenly caused to consider others in ways we may have never …
All our lives have been severely impacted. All around the globe people of every tongue, tribe, and nation have been profoundly impacted. The coronavirus, with all its mystery, has ascended on humanity at a time when the holiest of days are commemorated by Christians and Jews. Beginning Palm Sunday (April 5, 2020) through Easter Sunday …
The new book Strength of a Woman: Why You Are Proverbs 31, by author Lauren Crews, releases April 16th. This is not another typical Proverbs 31 book. Instead, it is a unique look at the passage as an acrostic poem. Lauren uses the imagery of Hebrew letters and relates them the redemption stories of some …