In my nearly 30 years in Christian ministry, I have seen nothing like the mental condition of American minds I see today. Deception is rampant and the sad reality is people who are deceived are unaware of their desperate condition. You could be among those severely deceived, without a clue about your reality making you …
Today is February 20, 2020 or 2-20-20. I became aware of the importance of each day when 2-2-2020 occurred. I’d never thought about the fact that a single date in time only occurs once in all time and history. There will never be another 2-2-2020, nor a 2-20-2020, or any other day. How important it …
With this new Hebrew year 5780 which started September/October last year and this new Gregorian year of 2020 we have stepped over a tremendously significant point in God’s timeline. I see it as a step from the past and into the future. It is not a progression of a change as with a seasonal change, …
Are you among the marginalized? Do you feel as though you are a person, or part of a group, or that you hold to a concept that has resulted in you being treated as insignificant or peripheral? Certainly in our culture today, Christians have been woefully marginalized and unfortunately many have hidden themselves in subculture …
I wrote the article below years ago. However, I don’t think it’s ever been more pertinent than today. It was first published in The Godly Business Woman’s Magazine, 2004. I welcome this being passed along in its entirety for non-commercial use. Protected by copyright 2021. Since God Ordained Civil Government, Why Aren’t Christians Involved? By …
Many people, even Christians, look at the world and cultural events with dismay and increasing hopelessness. Would you say you entertain such thoughts and feelings at least from time to time? Considering the gross increase of darkness and deep levels of corruption it’s understandable. However, considering all of God’s promises and his proven faithfulness, it …
Early September seeking the Lord for the message I was to present in October, I sensed a greater level of urgency about the Church not being ready for God’s plans. August 2018 God prompted me to write Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God’s End-Time Promises, which includes exhortation for Christians to prepare for …
Christians have the answer the world needs, but how do we get heard? We can’t expect people who consider the church irrelevant to come to the Church for the answers they need. Neither can we expect the lost to think the Christian Church has the answers they need, when they consider all religions equal. I …
Waking to the quiet, deep, darkness of the very early morning I find my favorite place and open the window. The cool-damp air unfolds into the room, touching and refreshing my skin. The trees and structures just outside the window are not visible even with the street light positioned nearby. It’s wonderfully eerie observing the …
Most of us observe the tremendous cultural confusion, shaking our heads with the sense there is no recovery. It’s overwhelming, even insane what people are claiming and doing. The voices demanding rights are overpowering any voice of reason, as reason has been exchanged for chaos amid the self-serving rebels. I’ve given a lot of prayer …