I fully believe we are in a new era—a time of revival and “second chance” for The Church to take its rightful place on earth according to God’s plan. In the words of Bill Johnson, “Many know much more about God and Magog, the ten-nation confederacy, the seven years of tribulation, the anti-Christ, etc. than …
For decades now, society in America which once upheld Judeo-Christian beliefs, has marginalized those of us who hold to the Christian faith, declaring we are driven by emotions, not intellect or wisdom. People claim we are unenlightened people to be pitied and not taken seriously because we live in a type of delusion—woefully out of touch …
Good and Evil—Truth and Deception This is the first of several posts identifying the specific areas of loss of the Christian influence in our culture, and the demise of society as a result. With these posts, I hope to impart deep truths about the Christian faith to embolden Christians to demonstrate Christ’s love and power …
With this Word for Wednesday, I”m starting a new series about what we need to know about the End-times to be in the center of God’s will. When writing my most recent book, Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God’s End-Time Promises, I found there are two dominant positions concerning the end-times. One is based …
What do Babyboomers and Millennials/Gen Z have in common? Self-employment. As Babyboomers age and leave traditional employment, they are starting their own businesses to augment their income. Millennials/Gen Z are starting their own businesses attracted by career control, work/life balance and personal satisfaction. Research conducted by FreshBooks in conjunction with Research Now, published its second annual …
Recently, I was truly struggling with many life issues that had emotionally injured me. Other people had hurt me, leaving me with a seriously extended period of woundedness. I wanted to put it behind me and move on. I had forgiven the people who hurt me. Some I still have relationship with, others I …
Note: If you missed Part I of this article, please read to have the foundation for today’s message. Fear over imagined potential problems or difficulties will often give rise to anxiety, worry, and dread. In the previous post, we considered the practical responses a person can take to get the upper hand on fear and …
I have very close friends and relatives who battle with anxiety, worry and dread. Each of these people are well educated and wonderfully intelligent. They know the basis of what they experience is fear. Intellectually, they know the fear is likely to be perceived fear, in contrast to genuine fear. However, for all of …
The Advent of Easter, Part XXIV by Pamela Christian—Copyright © 2019 Note: Sequence of events are imagined as extracted from the four Gospel accounts of Jesus’ resurrection. The day after the Sabbath, before dawn on the first day of the week (Sunday), Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome, brought spices to …
The Advent of Easter, Part XXIII by Pamela Christian—Copyright © 2019 This post represents the events leading up to and just after Jesus’ battered and lifeless body was laid in the tomb—the three nights and three days His body was entombed with Roman guards outside. Joseph, a rich man from Arimathea, and a member of …