Pamela’s Faith Blog
How Does God Want Us to Embrace this New Year? “While I hear many Christians fearfully speak of doom and gloom, I hear respected prophets explain the events we’ve been enduring with tremendous optimism for the future. That’s where I land. If you or someone you know is living in fear and dread, take time …
I grew up at a time when honest history, civics, and science were taught in public schools. I loved learning about about the brave men and women who were willing to risk their lives to break free from the governmental and religious tyranny of Great Britain. I loved learning about the struggles that were magnificently …
Christmas is a very special time of year for anyone who holds truth dear. We are realizing many people do not and the results of the lack of truth, are seemingly insurmountable. But I remind you, this is not the first time the evils of the world, played out through humanity have looked impossible to …