Pamela’s Faith Blog
Christmas is a very special time of year for anyone who holds truth dear. We are realizing many people do not and the results of the lack of truth, are seemingly insurmountable. But I remind you, this is not the first time the evils of the world, played out through humanity have looked impossible to …
Today was a day in the future God once had His prophets speak about. That means today is a day God prepared His people to walk victoriously in. We need to let that sink in. There are people who claim to represent God who are promoting fear and doom and gloom. This is not of …
God has provided many prophetic warnings for people to be in right relationship with Him before He intervenes in our present days. We are the instruments through whom He will work. Are you ready? This was the headline description of my recent podcast where I explored portions of three different prophetic words, although most …